Three-year-old shot in the stomach following a driveby in Hatchet Bay Eleuthera…

Young baby shot in stomach in Eleuthera shooting incident last evening.

ELEUTHERA| Last evening was another bloody attack on a child this time in the community of tranquil Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera.

Bahamas Press can confirm a driveby incident on the island last night resulted in the shooting of a three-year-old-child.

According to sources, the child was with a group of persons when a gunman drove pass them and opened fire hitting the child in the stomach. The child had to be airlifted to the capital on an emergency flight for surgery.

BP is now getting that update from doctors where she is now out of surgery. where the bullet went straight through the child. The bullet has damaged her lungs, both her kidneys, liver, spleen, and bowels.

We know from this near-deadly attack the child will have a tough road ahead but she will make it and we all must pray!

The incident has yet to be reported by police perhaps in keeping with its programme that CRIME IS DOWN! 

Anyway, BP don’t get any updates from police and when we report yinner decide!