To keep Adrian Gibson in Parliament shows that Pintard is WEAK – and lacks what the FNM NEEDS TO RESTORE TRUST WITH THE ELECTORATE!


The People of Long Island deserve better than Adrian Gibson!  Michael Pintard must show his worth as a LEADER to uphold transparency, accountability, and TRUST inside the FNM!

Former PM Hubert Minnis, Michael Pintard and Adrian Gibson.

LONG ISLAND| The community of Long Island has always been proud of its rich history of law and order but the most recent developments involving its Member of Parliament Adrian Gibson have brought shame to the good people of that community.

Last week the Parliamentarian was charged before the courts with 56 charges of false declaration, bribery, fraud, receiving and money laundering that allegedly stem from Gibson’s failure to declare his interest in contracts awarded by the WSC.

The disgraceful actions by the former Tribune Columnist and lawyer could land him collectively some 10 years in prison if found guilty, according to a senior former FNM politician. 

Gibson still however refuses to resign despite evidence showing that he paid in cash for the purchases of over 1.2 million dollars in real estate with the funds received and an additional quarter of a million dollars for vehicles purchased with the funds from the alleged proceeds of crime. 

Decent Long Islanders want Gibson out of Parliament! Imagine that a man accused of “thiefin” from the Government to which he was elected is seeking to sit in the House and pass laws on the good decent people of the Bahamas – LONG ISLAND included! He has no shame.

The right thing to do would be to remove himself from the company of honourable men and women, and restore integrity and class to the representative government the decent people of Long Island deserve.