Darville: Save the Bays made no political contributions

Statement by Joe Darville who hope to keep getting paid!
The suggestion that STB is or has ever been a funder of the opposition Free National Movement is totally unfounded and, we believe, nothing more than a calculated attempt by certain agents of the governing party to smear our organization, the FNM, or both with some vague hint of impropriety, all for political gain.
At that same time, I must say that we have been disappointed in the weak, halfhearted response of the FNM to these malicious rumors, which should have been condemned in the strongest terms from the outset.
The fact is that STB takes no sides when it comes to politics. Since its inception, this organization has stood for ideals such as the preservation of the country’s natural resources; transparency and accountability in government; justice and the rule of law.
Any government upholding these ideals will find a friend in our organization. Any government that does not will find STB to be a most aggressive challenger. Therefore, if the current administration feels we are at odds, rather than seek a political explanation I would suggest they simply check their own record of governance and take a good, long look in the mirror.
The same goes for any FNM or DNA government that may come to office in the future. Should they fail to act in the best interest of current and future generations of Bahamians, we will do everything in our power to hold them to account. This is the proper role of advocacy groups in a society and we do not apologize for adopting it.
It is the same aggressive stance held by many of our international partners, including global organizations like the Waterkeeper Alliance.
Politicians are often incapable of removing the political blinkers and so they have failed to see the truth about STB: we are part of a growing civil society movement in The Bahamas – composed of many groups but sharing overlapping ideals – which refuses to be identified with or beholden to any party.
These groups have formed and flourished over the past few years because Bahamians are increasingly coming to realize that if they want to secure a safe and prosperous future for their children, the citizens of this country must take matters in their own hands.
STB is proud to be a part of this burgeoning movement and we will never allow our organization to become entrapped in the sticky mire of politics.