Toggie and Bobo’s chief negotiator and then former Save The Bays advisor on the ground in Marco City? Well Wait!!!


Was Michael Pintard ever questioned by police in the investigations?

Former Save the Bays advisor and negotiator for the $50,000 in the murder for hire plot orchestrated now looking for a run in Marco City!
Former Save the Bays advisor and negotiator for the $50,000 in the murder for hire plot orchestrated now looking for a run in Marco City!

Freeport – Before police could even investigate the happenings of Toggie and Bobo the former Chairman of the FNM was visibly on the ground in the community of Marco City in a back to school event.

Michael Pintard, an employee of Save the Bays when he resigned as Chairman of the FNM, was on Saturday 3rd September with members of the Marco City FNM Association as they celebrated back to school at the Jack Hayward Gymnasium.

The festivities included face painting, bouncing castle, food and drinks along with sweet treats such as snow cones and cotton candy topped off with popcorn. The highlight of the afternoon however was the distribution of school supplies and backpacks to more than 200 students of all ages ranging from kindergarten to senior high.

The event is one of several initiatives planned by the Association along with Mr. Pintard to jump start the new school year. According to the Association’s Chairman Mr. Kendal Culmer, “We intend to sponsor and in other cases support financially and otherwise a variety of community projects and programs.”

The second event Mr. Pintard and the Association intend to support is a back to school basketball tournament, which is being organized by young people of the Marco City community. This non-partisan event will take place next week on the Errol Bodie Park featuring approximately 16 teams in both junior and senior divisions.

We at BP wonder; did police which questioned Senior Government politicians ever questioned the chief negotiator in the room who negotiated the first fifty thousand dollars advance [$50,000] to begin the murder for hire plot staged by Louis Bacon’s Save The Bays?

LIVINGSTON “Toggie” Bullard and Wisler “Bobo” Davilma could become crown witness!
LIVINGSTON “Toggie” Bullard and Wisler “Bobo” Davilma could become crown witness!