Nassau, Bahamas — The Ingraham FNM government was caught once again with ‘dey’ pants down holding no toilet issue, as the Tribune revealed on Monday the state of the Nassau Street bathrooms being used by the public.
The Tribune took the country into the worst bathroom in the world as they featured the piss, feces, graffiti; garbage mixed with pure dirt and grime best described the Nassau Street Court bathroom.
Following these revelations, Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham stood in denial over the matter, suggesting that the bathroom was not being used by the public and was going to be demolished. However, WHILE THE PM WAS TALKING ‘OUTTA’ ONE SIDE OF HIS mouth, the man in command of maintenance at the complex was telling the Tribune how his team would be cleaning up the bathroom and get it back in usable condition. YESTERDAY THAT CLEANUP WAS DONE!
When BP read the report we were shocked out of our wits. How could a government facility, which services scores of persons daily, be in such disrepair?
Could you imagine a man or woman coming down to the court with fear and trembling late into the evening, after a long day and heavy lunch, found “guilty” by a magistrate and no bathroom to use? Could you imagine the quick URGENT bowel movements and not a bathroom working in the court complex? WE NEED CHANGE!
Yesterday we were told of a report where a senior officer of the Supreme Court went to that bathroom in downtown Nassau, and could not find toilet tissue in the complex. What are we doing here?

How is it the government could find over one quarter million dollars [$270,000 exact] to build a bathroom on Saunders Beach, but cannot keep a toilet clean in Nassau Street Court Complex? Or keep toilet tissue in the Supreme Court for the Justices. THIS TOWN IS NOT BEING MANAGED AND THE PEOPLE WE HAVE HIRED ARE FAST, FAST ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL!
Now we see why the court system cannot work. THE MESS IS BACKED RIGHT UP!
BP invites members of the public to keep sending in your photos. To the Tribune, yinner did a DAMN good job Monday. Keep it up!
yes i agree that the bathroom is nasty but not only under the fnm but under the plp government it also was kept nasty all are responsible. and yes i agree that the newly built bathroom is radiculously expensive from day one i said that was to much money i could build a 5plex apartment building with that kind of money all with 2 bedrooms.
The government(FNM) hired someone to clean and care for these bathrooms. They are supposed to be cleaned and monitored daily. The same people also turn in expense reports and get paid, but have not been doing there job. In two months the FI-A**-CO, down on Saunders beach will look the same.
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