'Toilet Paper' Tribune joins the LYING CHORUS! The FNM Sharon Turner circulated the photos of Obie in a campaign to SHAME THE BAHAMAS AROUND THE WORLD!


bis-release-copyBahamas Press just hours from now will expose the LYING WUTLESS MEDIA in this country! The ‘Toilet Paper’ Tribune has now joined that chorus in saying that Bahamas Information Services’ deputy director Sharon Turner was not involved in circulating photos of OBIE WILCHCOMBE outside the police station in Grand Bahama.

Turner is a government official and is the FNM’s official webmaster as she often travels with the Prime Minister. Turner, for a matter of information, is also stationed on Grand Bahama.

On Thursday at noon Bahamas Press will publish an email page, which confirms Turner’s involvement in circulating photographs of Obie to media houses. The photos were delivered to members of the media at 9:04PM on last Friday!

BIS was also foolish to confirm that the government agency knew that the photographer did not want his/her name attributed. The photos were circulated on TMZ.com and on scores of other websites around the world.

Bahamas Press calls on BIS to retract their press statement forthwith, or face the fact that Sharon Turner, the FNM’s webmaster and deputy director at BIS, indeed circulated and instructed media outlets on the use of photos of Obie Wilchcombe as he stood outside the police station in Freeport.

Thousands of Bahamians already believe that the FNM attack machine, in which Turner plays a role, have used the Travoltas matter to deflect the catastrophic financial turmoil now hitting Bahamians, where thousands are now unemployed and cannot buy food!

It is a shame to see Hubert Ingraham in his ‘MUGABE STYLE’ attempt, would now arrest opposition members in an attempt to stifle independent voices, which reject his DASTARD POLICIES!

Ingraham used Turner to circulate the photos, in order to deliver his SMEAR campaign against the PLP and ultimately EVERY BAHAMIAN! The actions of the man who once told the Bahamian people, HE WAS “ASHAMED” OF US!

Thursday 12 noon, STAY TUNED!


  1. Whoever heard of a website BREAKING NEWS, and grabbing THE NATIONAL ATTENTION, whilst we drive around in the city of Nassau. From the hands of a simple BLACKBERRY, BAHAMAS PRESS WILL UNCOVER A WICKED PLOT BY THE FNM against the PLP, 12 noon, look how far technology has come! In 10 mins people.

    Also join Bahamas Press now on Facebook and Myspace.com

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. In less than one hour and a half, Bahamas Press will expose the Bahamas Information Services and their VICES for just what they are, WUTLESS LIERS!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  3. Yeah Tristan, they should fuse the both of them together to fill the one senate seat. Their loyalty is sickening.

  4. BP,

    Good one this time I will be waiting and blogging when the story hits but I fare that still nothing will be done ….but good story to be anyhow.

  5. JR, Finley is MORE than a good soldier. I wondering who he or she really is as they are always in defence of something Sharon Turner does.

    Sharon Turner needs to die her hair blonde…lol

    • BP, it’s Thursday in China, you can’t put us on Chinese time and drop the bomb man

      Good try Jr. Good Try, I am all over the office laughing at this post, don’t worry, it ain’t long nah!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. Thomas, you good soldier you, don’t be an idiot. This is the Bahamas. BP can get an IP address and for the identity or location, he can work his sources at BTC or Cable. Now tell me, you good soldier you, if BP can show that the IP is BIS or belongs to Sharon Turner and the photos at TMZ has her name, will you still say it ain’t her? Tommy Boy, its time to stop being the good soldier and start being a sensible person. This gal got busted and and they only compounded it by putting out that statement. I see you ain’t answer BP’s question of how does BIS know so much about the photographer’s wishes? If I send out a photo to the media, I don’t send it to BIS. BIS sends things out, they do not receive because they are not a media outlet. Even a beer swiller like me know that. But thats cool Thomas, you go on being the good soldier you.

  7. How does one prove that an email came from a particular individual? You may know an IP address, but that only proves that a came from a particular location. Still does not prove who sent it. I am very interested, and look forward to the show down. Email addresses can be hacked I am told..

  8. Bahamas Press, you are doing an Excellent Job. Keep it up!!! I only read this on a daily basis along with the Journal but this one I admit is better!!

  9. The LYING TOILET PAPER IS REPORTING THAT a Fraction in the PLP wants Maynard-Gibson out, but guess who is the fraction?


    Good work old-maid CARRON, GOOD SPIN of LIES!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. He should be ashamed of himself !! Turner LIKES being used by her boss, the Mugabe styled dictator PM, Hubert Ingraham.

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