Tommy Turnquest and Andre Birbal are mental cases plaguing this country


tommy-turnquest<<< Tommy Turnquest, Minister of National Security.

Click to listen to a report out of Grand Bahama confirming that a 4th teacher is now arrested for crimes of molestations at that Eight Mile Rock School

Nassau, Bahamas – What would this country be like if it wasn’t for Bahamas Press? On Wednesday we delivered to members of the public a list of characters just released back into the society by the country’s WUTLESS JUDICIAL SYSTEM. In the month of APRIL ALONE, the government of the Bahamas allowed 205 persons to walkout of HM Prison Service on bail for crimes ranging from MURDER to Fraud.

BP release the document online, which the names, the photos and information on each of the individuals. Now more than half of these persons released are CAREER CRIMINALS! Some have committed murder over and over and over again! But that’s not the issue here. Tommy Turnquest has the nerve to speak to some WUTLESS PEOPLE, who never informed the public of the MASS EXODUS, to say his ministry is launching an investigation to find out who in the Central Investigation Bureau leaked the list to the press. WHAT AN ASININE STATEMENT TO MAKE! And what does Turnquest intends to do with that officer when he/she is scuffed out? THROW HIM/HER IN JAIL, whilst the hardcore murderers walk free? Now this is just laughable. It looks as if Turnquest bulb is not loose in his head any more, but it has now blown out completely!

A few weeks ago a sitting judge told Bahamas Press how one of these CRIMINALS ON BAIL was seen in a food store recently. The now released convict told the judge, “See, you didn’t want to give me bail right? But I still out right? TAKE DAT!” the comments left the judge shaking all over. Ahhhh well, here we go again!

We know just how the information was delivered into our hands and it came form NO officer in the RBPF CIB unit either! Take DAT Turnquest, you soon join our ‘DUMB and DUMBER’ line-up of failing politicians.

Meanwhile another SERIOUS statement was just released this morning relating to WANTED FUGITIVE ANDRE BIRBAL. Bahamas Press reported on last week that not only has the RBPF failed to informed the people of Grand Bahama that Birbal was captured in New York [before we reported it], but that to this very day, the Bahamas government headed by Hubert Ingraham has NOT YET MADE A FORMAL REQUEST TO HAVE BIRBAL RETURNED TO THE BAHAMAS. THIS IS INCREDIBLE!

Birbal you would remember is wanted in the Bahamas for molesting more than 20 boys at the Eight Mile Rock High School. He fled the country before an investigation could be completed and was paid his full salary out of the Ministry of Education before leaving. Now this crime done to the CHILDREN of this country was not done by Birbal alone.birbal

Birbal along with his ‘CLANDESTINE PEDOPHILE LOVERS’ created an after school programme where his despicable acts were committed on these boys. A high-ranking officer of the RBPF and another senior officer in the MOE is also involved in Birbal’s CRIME and time will prove it.

However, when asked by the media about this extradition, Tommy Turnquest said Birbal is fighting his extradition to the Bahamas. But how could Birbal fight against it when the WUTLESS GOVERNMENT OF THE BAHAMAS HAS YET TO FILE AN EXTRADITION ORDER FOR HIS RETURN TO BAHAMAS? That fight is not being done Birbal, it is right in the ROYAL BAHAMAS POLICE FORCE!

Director of Public Prosecutions, Bernard Turner, told The Nassau Guardian today [21/5/2009] that the formal extradition application has not yet been sent to U.S. officials. BOY, WE HAVE SOME WUTLESS ROTTEN PEOPLE RUNNING THIS COUNTRY!


  1. While I appreciate all of the highest accolades from you BP and the bloggers,I am confident,by reading what is posted here on a daily basis,that there are true leadership in here,and anyone of you would of had the opportunity to deal with a situation as the one I had to deal with,you would of done the same thing the same way and maybe even more.
    As for politics,YOU MEAN TO TELL ME AIN NONE OF YOU’LL HERE is a MP? (LOL) Well if not, I guess I will be hearing of you,the bloggers and yes you too “MEDIA” on the campaign trail to represent the good people of this great BAHAMAS.
    BP,you must be the (BBI!! Bahamas Bureau of Investigation) continue to keep us, the general public inform of all the wrongs that is going on in our country and to keep the positiveness alive.



    Mr. Garvey, people could think and say what ever they want. At the end of the day, it was you who those children confided in and you were there for them. You did not sit down on it and play like you didn’t hear what they said, instead you took actions. If you do decide to get involve in politics, I would not blame you and it would definitely be a good thing for the country. Right now, we need a MP for Education, who really cares about the children interest and their future. Perry Christie or Hubert Ingraham should really be considering making you a part of their team. What ever team is smart enough to take you on, they will get my vote. It would definitely send a positive message that they are willing to make improvements where the children are concerned. The way you went to battle on behalf of those children, we know you would make a good Minister of Education.

  3. media :@TROY GARVEYThere you have it Bahamas, the UNEDITED voice of a fighter now on the front lines of the Eight Mile Rock community in the island of Grand Bahama. Thank you Garvey for your unwavering stand in our country there in the NORTH! Parliament needs a voice like yours. It needs a LOUD voice to SPEAK FOR THE PEOPLE! STRONG and willing to defend the people of this country.

    Great gladiators like yourself have always lived through the HISTORY of time! The champions of the weak, the poor, the destitute, the abused and the victimized. Your conscience is clear and history and the Great People of this country will forever uphold you! Garvey you’re a DECENT, HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY man who will forever live in our hearts!

    GARVEY YOU’RE SIMPLY THE BEST! And you have proven that your voice as a leader shall be heard. You’re no fake! You are as real as they come. And the future, who will be voting in this next election comes forth, they will look for your voice to FIGHTING FOR THEM and the whole Bahamas!

    Troy Garvey – Another GIANT SLAYER in our beloved Bahamas…A Bahamas Press Hero!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    I totally agree with Media Troy your this week hero kep itup GOD sits on high and looks down low at us and proud of you, keep it up Sir.

  4. Trinity :Many of the MP’s are failing miserably (Bethel, Turnquest, Laing, Symmonette) and others aren’t doing anything of substance. The crime issue is especially troubling because the rate and level of crimes are becoming more violent and more extreme. It is disheartening.

    Failing miserably? Is Symonette even trying??

    There you have it Bahamas, the UNEDITED voice of a fighter now on the front lines of the Eight Mile Rock community in the island of Grand Bahama. Thank you Garvey for your unwavering stand in our country there in the NORTH! Parliament needs a voice like yours. It needs a LOUD voice to SPEAK FOR THE PEOPLE! STRONG and willing to defend the people of this country.

    Great gladiators like yourself have always lived through the HISTORY of time! The champions of the weak, the poor, the destitute, the abused and the victimized. Your conscience is clear and history and the Great People of this country will forever uphold you! Garvey you’re a DECENT, HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY man who will forever live in our hearts!

    GARVEY YOU’RE SIMPLY THE BEST! And you have proven that your voice as a leader shall be heard. You’re no fake! You are as real as they come. And the future, who will be voting in this next election comes forth, they will look for your voice to FIGHTING FOR THEM and the whole Bahamas!

    Troy Garvey – Another GIANT SLAYER in our beloved Bahamas…A Bahamas Press Hero!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. BP I first want to say that it is’nt 4 teachers,this is the same teacher out of the 3 previously reported in feb.I would like to start by saying that the PTA of the EMRHS never stopped working in trying to find Andre Birbal.I got a tip late on Thursday 7th May,2009 that he was arrested in Manhattan New York,so around 4:30am on the 8th May,2009 that lead me to seek into the New York Police Department Precincts to find Andre Birbal.Officer Juliano of the Staton Island Police Department informed me that YES he was arrested on the 3rd May,2009 and that I had to contact the Intercity Correspondent Unit (ICU),I then contacted that Department, in which I spoked with a Mr.Ten Staa who is a Tele-type operator of the ICU of Manhattan NY,he then,after concernly searching his system, found that Andre Birbal was arrested on the 3rd May,2009 for being on a Train without a ticket and after tracing his name they found that he was wanted by interpol in the Bahamas and was then turned over to the US Marshalls Custody.Around 8:45am of the 8th May,2009 I personally spoked with SR.Assistant Commissioner of Police Mr.Marvin Dames, who told me that he was in possession of the information and is awaiting the paper work on the matter.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr.Marvin Dames and the Royal Bahamas Police Force for their diligence and commitment in tracking down Andre Birbal and to bring him to justice.I want to stress that Andre Birbal’s crime was committed in Eight Mile Rock and that is where he needs to answer to his charges IN THE EIGHT MILE ROCK MAGISTRATES COURT—- NOT NEW PROVIDENCE he needs to face his victims for the damage he has done to all those young men. We the PTA want to remind the Bahamian people that this man FLEED THE BAHAMAS from these horrific crimes that he knows he had committed.

    I want to reiterate to the general public, that this is an unacceptable act (exploiting our young children) that should not and will not be tolerated in our Bahamas,our children are our future and if we sit by ideally and allow them to be destroyed,then we can just say goodbye to our little country.

    My personal message to you, is that, I will not faulter in my quest to stand firm and strong to see that true representation is afforded to all who are being injustly dealt with in Grand Bahama,for to long they have been taking advantage of the underprivelege here in our country and I congratulate all those persons who do stand for righteousness, and to those who thinks this is politics for me or any other reason other than looking out and caring for our little darlings! MAY GOD BE WITH YOU!

    Thank You

    Troy Garvey
    PTA President

  7. Many of the MP’s are failing miserably (Bethel, Turnquest, Laing, Symmonette) and others aren’t doing anything of substance. The crime issue is especially troubling because the rate and level of crimes are becoming more violent and more extreme. It is disheartening.

  8. ronica7 :Hi dibbles, lol, the count is 90? Why is it i cry shame on tommy? It is because it was he on the fnm rally stage who proclaimed loudly, “Get Rid Of The PLP, Get Rid Of Crime”

    Hi Ronica7 it’s hard to tell between Tommy’Lost His’Turnquest and Carl’Red Neck’Bethel It is hard to say which one of them is the worst Minister? Hard to say,help me with this one with t Ronica7.

  9. Hi dibbles, lol, the count is 90? Why is it i cry shame on tommy? It is because it was he on the fnm rally stage who proclaimed loudly, “Get Rid Of The PLP, Get Rid Of Crime”

  10. ronica7 :I was disturbed by Minster Turnquest comments. Media as you so rightly put it, what about the witnesses. This administration is trifling with the real murder numbers. In 2007, we have officially recorded 79 murders when the actual count is around 86. There were many unclassified murders and we have yet to hear the real classification.
    The minister is trying to hide pertinent information from the public, i cry shame on you “Tommy”

    86 Ronica7 you better count again I think the count is about 90.Check again Ronica7.You only cry shame on Tommy,I cry shame on the whole party.

  11. I was disturbed by Minster Turnquest comments. Media as you so rightly put it, what about the witnesses. This administration is trifling with the real murder numbers. In 2007, we have officially recorded 79 murders when the actual count is around 86. There were many unclassified murders and we have yet to hear the real classification.

    The minister is trying to hide pertinent information from the public, i cry shame on you “Tommy”

  12. Who gives a damn if a list of criminals has been brought to the publics attention.We are the bosses and should be informed.Instead of Tommy trying to find out who rightfully released the list he should inform us about the state of Hywel Jones investigation and the many bodies that continually turn up in the waters of the harbour.Someone has found a graveyard and the Minister nor his handpicked heirarchy in the Police have noticed the trend.Where is Greenslade who we the taxpayers sacrificed to send to Canada?Tommy and his cousin Quinn McCartney and Ferrguson and Gibson have him boxed in and he is not a part of the regular running of the Police Force.Perry Christie and Mother Pratt have a responsibility to demand that the archaic Commissioner of Police explain to them why the talent of this young officer is being wasted.Tommy is wasting time listening to perceived enemies of the FNM Govt and not solving any crime.Tomm y is best suited for Finance and Brainville McCartney who even before he became a member of Parliament should switch to National Security.The Minister of photo opportunity Tommy needs to remember that he will never be PM of this country since he just does not have it.Mother Pratt and Perry Christie your silence is deafening.Civil servants especially Customs and Police feel so betrayed by you for remaining silent.It is time for you two to kick some butts and stop this bullshit of showing decorum when all hell is breaking loose and you are like ostriches.The Govt has got to go but the PLP under Perry and Mother Pratt are stymying growth by remaining part of the status quo.I encourage members of the opposition to speak now or forever hold your peace.This is your last chance my brudders and sisters.The country is restless and are looking for their Pindlings and Hannas and Butlers and Whitfields.We keep hearing about Obama but in our side of the wood we had our heroes and dont need any imports.I digressed but now Tommy and you FNM bootlickers in Gods name admit that you are in over your head and let real heroes takeover as this pussyfooting has gone on too long.HAI you are afailure for not having a think tank appointed without any interference from you or your incompetent Minister of National.I remember back in 2007 Tommy put together a seminar to foster strategies on Crime and nothing happen.I understand that his pee wee cousin Quinn McCartney was the architect.But Quinn is a scientist with no first hand criminal experience.Two no three no four no five jokers running the most important agency in the country.But Minister where is Greenslade arguably the most experienced Policeman lefy after the debacle of firing persons 55 and retaining one who is 60 and married to Sir Orvilles niece yes Tommys cousin and one who is 63 and out of his depth.Both Officers recently celebrated birthdays .Yes Tommy you are not the person to fight crime for Bahamians.Read this and resign.

  13. Don’t be silly people, can’t you see the nation is being played! If Birbal was captured in NY at the end of April and it is now just about the end of May, that means that at least 30 of the 60 day limit to file the necessary papers to have him returned to The Bahamas is gone. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that if they were serious in the AG’s office, the papers would have been prepared a long time ago and just sitting in a file somewhere waiting on the final details to be added. Are we to believe that with all those lawyers sitting up in there they can’t manage to complete the paperwork! Gee and now the head man is to step out of the mix and become a Judge! I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to let the time run out then start pointing fingers to blow smoke over the whole thing.

    This entire situation has a strange scent to it. I am really interested in seeing how far up this case will reach and which of the ‘big boys’ is calling the shots and working overtime to force this one under the rug. Keep on them BP!

  14. To hell with Tommy,was any one watching the game just now? I’m glad that those Fakers,o Lakers lost to Denver. Kobe has now met his match #15 ANTHONY,game three in Denver they are going to do it again.Good luck Denver.

  15. BP the hand writing is on the wall for Carl Bethel. I think there will be a new Min of Education before school opens in Sept of this year. It will be interesting to see how Bethel reacts and carries himself when he has no cabinet post and is just a back bencher.

  16. @Trinity
    Well Trinity, do you really thought the police [balice..LOL] was going to announce Birbal’s capture in New York if we didn’t report it? Don’t forget now, our source said he was captured from the end of April.

    We didn’t confirm it with our contacts in New York until May 9th. The police [balice…lol] came out almost 5 hours after we confirmed that he was indeed captured in New York, and wrote in their press statement that he was caught on Sunday May 3rd. Now here’s the million dollar question, if the police [BALICE…LOL] knew he was caught on Sunday May 3rd and was notified the same day by US authorities, WHY DID IT TAKE THEM 5 whole days to send a press release out to members of the WUTLESS MEDIA?

    Trinity, you know better. If Bahamas Press was not in this town, Birbal would still be reported as being on the run.

    Now stay tuned for this weekend, cause we have some more stuff to tell the public. Sunday and Monday morning ga be HOT! This ga be a double wammy and you the people in this country will know just what been happening with your land. This ain’t NO fairy tail story as seeing in the Tribune [ummmm… Da National’TOILET PAPER’]. This will be the real ting! STAY TUNED!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  17. Why haven’t they made any efforts to have Birbal extradited? He has been detained for about three weeks now. What’s wrong with these people? They allowed him to leave the country; the least they could do is pretend like they give a damn and try to speed up the extradition process. It is unfortunate that this saga continues. I can only imagine how the families of those poor boys feel. We’ve got to do better! I have said it before and I will say it again….let this had happen in St Andrew’s where the priviliged grandchildren of HAI attend…whole different story.

  18. @media

    Yeah Media this government don’t appear to be looking out for the interest of these children. You can’t treat the children the way they do and expect everything to turn out right with them. How those children are suppose to feel when the Minister of Education and the Prime Minister took long to address the matter with Birbal? Something like this should have been addressed without delay. Now we have another teacher accused of having sex with a student at the same school. How long will it take before the Minister for Education to speak out on this? Will he treat this like the Birbal situation? You tell me, how can those children move ahead and put the Birbal situation behind them when they are learning more teachers at that school are having sex with their peers? We can’t be in the classroom, the parents can’t be in the classroom, so we have to trust the people the government hire to teacher our children. Please tell me what type of policies the government is putting in place to assure these types of things does not happen on school premises? Right now this government report card does not look pretty good at all and it well tell on them come next election. We will not forget what they did to the children.

  19. @Kim Sands

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  20. kevin mckenzie :Kim Sands you are 100% correct.The police could have held Birbal for 96 hours(4 days) while they conduct their investigation.

    Thanks Kevin for agreeing with me. One thing I always try to do is call a spade a spade.

  21. Them christian council fellows are WUTLESS TOO the would not speak to a matter such as this,where the LITTLE DARLINGS OF OUR NATIONS ARE BEING DESTROYED. They have a lot to say in trying to have the UNCONSTITUTIONAL law on gambling remain on the law books. The law is asinine and Bahamians are being treated as second-class citizens in their home land.

    THIS IS OPPRESSION. You can only oppress a people for so long and one day the chickens will come home to roost and they will rovolt.

  22. Criminals have more rights in this country than anybody else. I see why all the young people want go down that path, because our government doesn’t like decent people.

  23. media :People MUST ask themselves, why would the minister want to know who talked/leaked the prisoners bail list, but not have a concern for the VICTIMS, The residents. And what about those who are witnesses in these cases? What are they suppose to do in the meantime, stay locked up in their homes? These now set free are now allowed to walk in the same community, UNKNOWN and UNDETECTED! Should not the minister’s loyalty be to the law abiding constituents first?


    Bahamas Press/Editor


    Seems like the Minister and Ministry of National Security is there to protect the criminals.

  24. You know I thought it was strange when they give Birbal that farewell cheque and it would not even surprise me, if we learn it was the Ministry of Education that were responsible for booking and purchasing the airline ticket for his departure. They think the people of this nation are first class fools, they could tell us anything and we would believe it. They expect us to believe that they were all mixed up and did not know what they were doing when they paid Birbal and allow him to broad that plane while he was being investigated. Trust me, you tell that to horse, it will turn around and slump the life out of you. If these people are that stupid they do not need to be governing us, we would be much better of taking care of ourselves. Right now, I believe they upset how Birbal gone get caught and now they don’t know what to do.

  25. People MUST ask themselves, why would the minister want to know who talked/leaked the prisoners bail list, but not have a concern for the VICTIMS, The residents. And what about those who are witnesses in these cases? What are they suppose to do in the meantime, stay locked up in their homes? These now set free are now allowed to walk in the same community, UNKNOWN and UNDETECTED! Should not the minister’s loyalty be to the law abiding constituents first?


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  26. It is no surprise to me that the Attorney General’s office and the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs have not submitted a formal extradition request to the USA for Andre Birbal as yet.From a previous post i alluded to the fact that more than Birbal was involved and now i will submit that some well positioned persons with strong political connections were also a part of this pedophile network.These persons are exerting all of their political influence to stall or to make sure that Birbal is never tried in a court of law in this country.Indeed it will come to no ones surprise if Birbal is found dead in our local prison if he is extradited.I am sorry but i must repeat myself that there is no such thing as justice in this country.Prison was built for the poor and unconnected politically,witness the Clico robbery, no police investigation but Bahamian taxpayer’s money will be used to bail out some of the small policy holders.Some religious leaders are going all over this country trying to obtain their pension money from Clico but they will not say a public pray on the behalf of Birbal’s victims and they refuse to call for a criminal investigation into Clico.The Christian Church concern is money not the safety,welfare and christian morals of the Bahamian people.I am sorry to state that i believe the last politician that cared for the well being of Bahamians died in August,2000 .

  27. Now we see why members of this Bahama community has taken the law in their own hands! The Judicial System has failed the people of this country!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  28. Another Probe

    Freeport News Reporter

    Police confirmed yesterday that another male teacher from the Eight Mile Rock High School (EMRHS) was taken in for questioning and is currently assisting police with their investigation of reported unlawful sexual misconduct at that institution.

    Reports reaching the newsroom suggested that the teacher was taken in sometime yesterday morning. When contacted, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Marvin Dames confirmed that a male teacher is in fact assisting police with their ongoing investigation into previously reported sexual misconduct between teac-hers and students.

    Dames, however, said the teacher is just in for questioning and at this stage of the investigation no charges are said to be forthcoming.

    “This was one of those matters that was always on the table but we are just at the stage in the investigations where we are talking to people trying to move the investigations forward,” Dames said.

    Two weeks ago international police were successful in capturing Andre Birbal, the former art teacher at EMRHS who is accused of unnatural sex with two former male students.

    Birbal was on the run from local police for five weeks before he was stopped in New York for a traffic violation.

    The Attorney General’s Office is now seeking to have Birbal brought back to The Bahamas, where he is expected to face criminal charges surrounding the alleged sexual incidences.

    The AG’s Office has until July 2 to formally present an extradition application to the United States for Birbal’s return.

    Director of Public Prosecu-tions in the office of the AG, Bernard Turner, reported that the treaty between The Bahamas and the United States provides that a provisional arrest for Birbal can be sought pending an extradition application.

    The length of this procedure all depends on the U.S. court system and even though the alleged incidences occurred in Grand Bahama, no decision has been made to say if Birbal will be brought to Grand Bahama or New Providence.

    Meanwhile, police promised for more than a month ago to release information on the female teacher who was allegedly involved in sexual misconduct with a twelfth grade male student. After numerous attempts to get that information, police still say that it will be given “soon.”

    The incidences of sexual misconduct at EMRHS have garnered much political attention in recent weeks.

    Ministry of Education officials implemented new procedures to deal with sexual matters in schools after coming under fire from the general public and members of the Opposition in the House of Assembly.

    A Select Committee then was appointed to review and consider all matters pertaining to allegations of sexual abuse and sexual molestation at the EMRHS.

    The committee will also conduct an inquiry into the Ministry of Education’s procedures and protocols relative to allegations of sexual abuse, sexual molestation and any form of sexual misconduct in the public school system. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham said that 15 teachers are under investigation in the public school system and all of them are still employed by the government.

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