Tommy Turnquest Trying to Resurrect his Leadership Chances but a Dark Horse shall emerge


Tommy T<<< Tommy T attempting to make another dash for the leadership of the FNM.

Nassau, Bahamas BP, is being advised at this time by an FNM “Insider” that all manner of back room wheeling and dealing is going on within the FNM as “Papa” Ingraham is allegedly not going to lead the FNM into the next General Elections. Tommy Turnquest is said to be seriously considering offering himself for the leadership race whether Papa goes or not. It is being said that the Consultants that he had in Town told him to be more assertive and project a “strong Man image” or source opined.

The Insider with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the FNM machinery, told us” part of the assertiveness by Tommy was the running of his first cousin, Duane Sands in Elizabeth. We all know Duane is arrogant and was a bad candidate, but Tommy insisted as he is trying to manufacture allies for his power play.”

The insider feels that the power play being planned by Tommy will not work as Tommy has lost support with the base voters and rank and file at the branch and council levels.

Our source also revealed that Kenneth “The Janitor” Russell will not be offering again and it is being said that the seat will be offered to Michael Pintard, the newly minted Senator. Further changes are being contemplated in Grand Bahama and it is being said that Vargo “Mona Vie” Laing is running scared in Marco City and is considering Lucaya as Neko Grant is expected not to offer in 2012. Further, we are being told that the FNM Chairman for the Lucaya Branch, Leslie is expected to get the nod for Marco City.

Dr. Hubert Minnis/ Minister of HealthWe are being led to believe that Larry Cartwright is expected not to run in the next elections and Douglas Turnquest is pushing hard for his son Michael Turnquest to get the nod as Kenyatta Gibson is now an FNM. The Long Island people appears not to want Michael as they do not Like Tennyson Wells and Dougie is his partner.

The greedy Rowdy Boys from Mangrove Bush are said to be pushing one of their clan, Ian Knowles. Some within the FNM are trying to keep Larry Cartwright on as they feel that Knowles does not have much support outside of Mangrove Bush.

John Pinder, President of the Public Service union is expected to be rewarded for his support,by being given the nod for Foxhill. Pinder is from Foxhill and is the brother of Larry Pinder, a former bodyguard for Henry Bostwick and Sir Kendal Isaacs and presently, the chief henchman for Brent Symonette. Larry Pinder also has a son with Papa’s sister.

bannisterWe here at BP are being told that the “Dark Horse” who is gaining in stature and popularity, is Dr. Hubert Minnis. He is being given a serious look by the rank and file on the council and the FNM Base. Our source said. ” Minnis is very good with the base and can bridge the gap between Bay Street and the crew over the hill, he is making a name for himself, and I will support him” our source said.

The insider said that a good combination would be Minnis for leader and Desmond as his deputy. We here at BP like this one-two punch as they are both capable men and we consider them to be above reproach.

So in keeping with our neutrality on this site and calling them as we see them, we will endorse this team of Minnis and Bannister very early in what is expected to be an active and aggressive campaign season. We predict that Tommy Turnquest will go down to a second and more devastating defeat this time. He cannot be “resurrected” on this blessed Easter or at any other time.


  1. Tommy just cant connect with grassroot supporters much to his detriment.He should shelve leadership plans and support whoever is more appealable with the everyday person.Believe me when I say that Brent is more down to earth than Tommy.I still laugh when I remember Brent trying to play the bully at the bye elections in Lizzy.Poor Tommy tucker was not given the opportunity to connect with his roots on Hay st.PAPA tries to groom him but the foolishness PAPA would say and do just wont cut it with Tommy.

  2. With all due respect, in my humble opinion Minister Turnquest is presently living his political future… What you have seen and continue to see is really all you are going to get from Turnquest.  Doesn’t he remember what happened in 2002?

  3. I for one excited about Meadows joining the party plus a few other young minds I hear are already on the ground in the family islands. The time is too short for guessing games and the PLP sees this. No doubt thier are some infighting going on in the FNM now.

  4. @ media not the dark horse again haha ill debunk this one for youll brent symonette will only be in a transitional role if he has any wish to take the top post unlikely he will lose so much money now back to the fnm it is apparent to me that pappa clan consist of  zhivago laing and the poet pintard thats the next move watch and see there is tommy who has some good backinng but this ingrham last throw of the dice legacy time

  5. Objective Thought , that is exactly what I am saying. If you make it about Christie and Ingraham, Christie will lose.

  6. @WilliamThe FNM used all those old billboards with HI on them that they used in 2007!!! The FNM especially HI made the by-election about him but the PLP and PC made it about Ryan Pinder!! Ryan beat HI and the FNM!!!!

  7. @AltecThe Referendum was not in 2001! It was in February of 2002, just over two months prior to the general election… I think that I have told you that before….

  8. The Plp, has some impressive, persons vying for nominations. With those kinds of persons in the background, Bozo, could be leader of the PLP, andwill still take the Fnm, out, in 2012.The Fnm, always have, and seemingly always will, have leadership challenges. They just do not attract, the “brightest and best”

  9. @Truth,

    Egg should be on the PLP and FNM faces? You serious? Jokes! It was Papa who was all over town saying Dr Sands was going to win by 300+ votes. You never heard any such pronouncements from the PLP.

    Secondly, if you are aware of bye election history, 9 out of 10 times the governing party wins the bye election. Thats why Papa was so confident, he had history on his side. Every government corporation was in Lizzy during the election and for all that work the FNM put in, they still loss. The FNM shouldnt have loss that seat period!

    What Ryan Pinder did was a rare feat. To win by 1 vote, 2 votes or 300 votes doesnt take anything away from the underdog victor. Like i said after the court ruling, a win is a win, end of story.

    Stop trying to belittle Ryan’s win! No one will dispute the fact that he was the underdog and he won!

  10. The FNM Lizzy campaign was about Hubert with Duane playing a minor role. Look at all of their paraphernalia, please all about Hubert. Christie was on some old posters. But anyway, go ahead you will see, People do not have faith in Christie as a Leader, lol his own people don’t .

  11. @William: some of you guys never cease to amaze me!

    Before the PLP convention many of you, including BP,  was saying PC is done for but PC won. Now your saying the stalwarts were handpicked by PC? Really? That man won fair and square, now let it be. Stop trying to disparage his win. He is undisputed the leader of the PLP.

    Secondly, the Lizzie election, why should it have been about PC? PC wasnt running for the seat, Ryan Pinder was. Please tell me why Ryan should have built his campaign around PC? I dont get your point!

    Maybe its just me and i didnt notice it, but i didnt see Dr Sands make his campaign about Papa either, he made it about him. So why do you want Ryan to do what Dr Sands didnt?

  12. william ignore him hes simple. I’m sure if a party had a primary like the NDP then Christie would’ve been gone and more potential leaders would’ve run. Any-person who has sense know that its very difficult to take out the leader when the leader appoints stalwarts. Ryan BARELY won so egg should be in the fnm and plp faces.

    • Am simple bcos I state facts?You sound like a spoilt brat who expects to reach a party late and want others to wait until you arrive b4 eating.I guess you want your parents to bypass a will and give you their earnings now.Leaders earn their keep,just ask Paul Moss who tried the same bull…you are expousing. 

  13. @Russell J, you can’t believe that what happened at the Convention represents what the majority of people feel. Those stalwarts were handpicked by Christie. You notice how the Lizzy election was about Ryan and not Christie, ever ask yourself why the campaign was set up that way?

    • Oh by the way it was a PLP convention where positions were contested unlike the FNms where a Minister got rolled out along with aspirants for the Chairmanship posts.FNMs are afraid of Christie but vote the way you have done all your lives its still PLP time.

  14. You all leave my PAPA alone as he riles up my vexation.He won in 2007 and must defend in 2012.The country wants PAPA so that they can show him just how much he screwed up.We beat him in Lizzy now we want to finish him off in 2012.All of these names being called could not inspire a fire burning with lots of fuel.From where I sit all of these persons will again lose their seats in 2012.Tommy T lolo lolo you have got to be kidding me.i could care less who leads the FNM unlike some persons who do not support trhe PLP have never supported the PLP but want to say who should lead.Convention has already settled that issue so we move on,like Paul Moss has done.And by the way have you noticed that ZNS did not even mention that Christie and his team were in GB?I asked for Lizzy and now I say bring it on with whoever is willing to face certain defeat in 2012. 

  15. @Bonnie Williams. You are right the questions is who will lead the PLP? Christie is holding on for dear life and thus his announcement that he will go after 3 years. Who says that? Utter nonsense, but done to take the pressure off of him to leave before and create havoc amongst his contenders who will step up their fights for leadership. He cannot beat Ingraham, say what you like people see him as weak and indecisive and not one action since his lost has he shown that he has changed. An Ingraham lead FNM will win again. Christie can’t even raise funds anymore, and a Leader has to be in a position to raise funds for his party. The only persons in the PLP who can do that is probably Brave and Jerome.

  16. BP, Dr Minnis and Desmond Bannister will never be leader and deputy leader of the FNM. It will never happen. Their national profile is very low and these men dont really inspire their own base or independents.

    But there is a point that i want to emphasis. All of the so called “Young Turks” that were hand picked by HAI and were under his development has either flopped nationally or has seriously damaged their own future with scandals. Tommy, Dion, Carl and Shavargo have all been rejected in some form since 2002. remember how the future leader of the FNM was suppose to be one of these men (at least thats how they were played up way back in 1992).

    The only two other FNM MP’s that have some kind of national appeal is Brent and Branville but Brent has his share of scandals and is to scared to run on his own and Branville is basically an unknown quantity and a political neophyte.

    The lack of depth on the FNM’s bench is still as bad as it was before HAI took over the party. When HAI steps down, the FNM will return to the state they were in pre HAI but this time the infighting will be more intense!

  17. BP as you know, I have been saying this awhile now on this blog that HAI is setting up to disappear again.

    Its stunning to me that HAI is using the same exact playbook from 2001. He called a referendum to gauge his support back then and he called a bye election to gauge his support this time. Both times he saw the handwriting on the wall and now it looks like for the second time, he is about to leave the FNM when they need him most.

    I still cant believe the FNM party will let HAI walk away AGAIN! You mean to tell me that no one in that party saw this coming? How blind are these people? The FNM establishment needs a backbone and they need to tell HAI that he put this party in this mess and he needs to lead it through the general election.

    If HAI cared about his party, he would contest the upcoming general election. His presence or absence wont change the the outcome, but it would leave the party in a better position as compared to the 2002 blow out when he stepped down.

    Imo, if HAI stays on, the PLP will regain the government by 7 or less seats. If he leaves then your looking at double digit loss of seats in the HOA!

    The FNM establishment and HAI should realize that its not about Papa, but its about leaving the PARTY in the best position to bounce back and the best way to do that is to have HAI stay on and lead his party into the general election.

  18. I don’t think anyone is really concerned about who takes over the FNM party. Attention should be focused on who will be leading the PLP in the next general elections.  Ryan Pinder got his seat then there is  Jerome Fitzgerald, Michael Halkitis, that lady Hope Strachan running for Sea Breeze, Kendal Major and this buzz about Delroy Meadows joining the party.  These are all young and seriously smart individuals. The PLP’s wasting no time in this game. The FNM has a long way to catchup. We see all the effort by the PM but it appears to be one man behind the wheel. He has no help.

  19. A definate no! no! to tommy t, Laing just don’t cut it cause too many compalins about him not helping his people out. Hey! and to all you Minister out there what happen to papa word that the fnm’s will be taken care of. We don’t see that yet, and 2012 is very near, so tighten up or get shipped out.

  20. Hubert Ingraham, will lead the FNM in 2012 general election, he will not step down  and why should he ?  Ronald Regan was 69 when he was sworn in.. No one walks away from power, Tommy Turnquest can try to reinvent himself as much as he likes  and  still will not  have the common man’s  touch,  Dr. Minnis would make a great leader but is fight with the nurses showed his wiliness to put aside his  principles and follow HAI. Bannister is all about money and  his wiliness to leave because money is more important than service will come back to haunt him. As for Liang, he has nothing new  to bring to the table. McCartney will never get the nod as long as HAI is alive and has power in the FNM. Over the next two years a potential leader will emerge , for my view, the Ministers now have to develop  their craft and do what’s right for the Bahamian people or  the greater good, stand up and be counted, if not they will fall out  of  favor with the Bahamian people and  not see power again until 2022

  21. What is the deal with Brent SYMONETTE. This article does not say anything about him because I fear he is more than likely to be leader. From the look of things If Hubert Minnis gets it… its going to be a very very good thing. I feel Branville McCartney should atleast get deaputy comapared to Bannister. If its team Minnis-Bannister/McCartney then trust me Perry Christie has some SERIOUS PROBLEMS.

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