Transparency and Accountability were not absent from the former Government…Minnis was NOT there in Parliament during the budget!


Prime Minister Hubert Minnis – Leader of the

Nassau, Bahamas – Prime Minister Hon. Hubert Minnis made history this week when he dropkicked the Progressive Liberal Party and threw it out of power in a red sea Tsunami on May 10th, 2017.

Minnis will go down as BP warned since 2012 as the Black Mamba of Bahamian politics. He bit Papa and Loretta dem who attempted to end his political career. Da Black Mamba also tied up all seven rebel FNM MPs who, along with the DNA, thought they had Minnis in a knot after they wrote the Governor General revealing that they had lost confidence in the Opposition Leader.

But while they lost confidence in Minnis, ‘Da People’ put their trust in him to take down the PLP. And, well, the rest is history.

Now we at BP will be fair, as we are finding it suspicious that Minnis today continues on with his rant as if he is still on some campaign platform. The FNM is Government and Minnis is now PM holding the files.

This week, while at Government House for the swearing in of the country’s Minister of Finance and Attorney General, Minnis said, “Transparency and accountability in public finances were often absent by the former government in the past five years.”

In this statement PM Minnis is suggesting that Transparency and Accountability was absent from the public finances, when, indeed, it was he while in opposition who was ABSENT during the discovery of where the public funds were going. The then opposition FNM signed off and voted in support of each National Budget live on Television and Radio, questioning each line item of funds to be spent for the public good.

And we say it was Minnis who was absent when, in June 2016, former FNM MP Neko Grant told the public how Minnis was not prepared to find out where the public money went. In a scathing letter published in the Tribune, Grant revealed how he was sure Minnis had not studied the budget and added that his behaviour was “most disturbing” and “disrespectful.” He also accused Minnis of abandoning ship by leaving the House session around 2.30 am Thursday under the guise of not feeling well as other parliamentarians stayed behind to finish the work of Parliament.
When you study these comments at Government House by Minnis, and then read the facts presented by a then sitting FNM MP, you clearly get the picture. NO, Transparency and Accountability were not absent in government. Minnis was ABSENT.

Anyway, we ga leave it there for now.

We report yinner decide!