Minnis Regime has no place for safety and caution while motorists sharing the busy roads die!

Nassau| You should have heard by now some comments from the Minister for Transport Renward Wells following the slaughter and carnage from fatalities on the streets of the Bahamas.
Just Tuesday morning 30-year-old Clarence Dean Jr. became the 6th citizen to die on the streets of the country in just over a week. He and a female companion were travelling on East Street South and Soldier Road when he slammed his bike into a truck. Dean died following the accident and his female companion is left in critical condition in hospital.
No one knows why the Minister for transport has absolutely nothing to say about all this carnage taking place on the streets. A young man Brandon Saunders was killed on Frank Watson Highway around 4am last week Thursday. Another man was killed the following day on Tonique Darling Highway. Then two men from Andros were killed in a crash in Kemps Bay on Saturday afternoon. The victims in that incident were Jermaine Miller and Garth Lundy.
And since we cannot get a comment from the Minister or anyone in the Regime, we at BP will issue this notice of caution to the public as the wider Bahamian community shares our concerns.
As the number of traffic fatalities last year was, sadly, too high and this year is already shocking, we want citizens to exercise great caution, due care and attention while using the roadways. Worldwide, a clarion call has been issued for road users to be more vigilant! Put the food and phone down and keep looking at the road. Drive defensively! We urge drivers in The Bahamas – particularly New Providence – to observe speed limits, read and pay attention to road signs. Exercise extreme caution on our streets. Bikers should wear headgear at all times while driving.
Caution all your loved ones how to obey the speed limits and commit to road safety when on the streets.
We all have a collective responsibility to make sure everyone is safe and we must share this advice as a community and a country – even though the Transport Minister and the Regime don’t give a damn.
With no direction, no notice of caution and no alarm for the growing carnage committed by reckless drivers on our streets, it speaks volumes to the silence of the Administration and causes us to wonder if anyone in the Minnis Regime gives a damn.
Boy! I tell ya!
We report yinner decide!

I agree with the above comments- What the hell can the Minister do when people behave in a suicidal manner? These are adults and they know the consequences of excess speed and running red lights, so obviously they have no regard for their own lives. We can only pray that they do not take innocent people’s lives. Long and short is the Minister / country has absolutely no responsibility for the lives of the drivers, who ignore the traffic laws.
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