The Newspaper drew the inference in its editorial that those who support the PLP cannot read! WOW!

Nassau, Bahamas — Stacked on the shelves of a friendly gas station late this afternoon was almost 100 copies of the morning Tribune.
The paper is struggling with low sales, poor advertising numbers and weak content. It’s summer, and usually around this time nothing gets sold. But this summer is unusual.
You see, since the general elections of 2012, the Tribune has suffered from an acute case of dropsy. They have dropped in sales and interest. Dropped in quality and style. And have dropped off the shelves into garbage bins because the average reader finds its content offensive to read.
Classic case of these truths was seen this week in an editorial where the Rag Sheet decided to cast voters who fired the FNM and hired the PLP as the government as persons who cannot read.
The editorial suggested that despite what was written in the PLP’s Charter for Governance those who followed the party were persons who are not reader friendly and suggested that they just didn’t follow the contents dispersed by the PLP’s new generation team.
What we find patently clear about both the Tribune and the Opposition is the fact that as they tear into the Charter for Governance, while in their own book of politics there is nothing to replace the ideas and plans ennunciated by the PLP.
And we wonder if they notice that?
For example, what was the FNM or Tribune plan to fight and tackle the vexing crime problem plaguing the country? Does anyone know?
Can anyone remember it? Can Mr. Nobody Greater explain to us the voter what did they share to alleviate the crisis in our midst?
Or let’s look at the crisis which faced homeowners facing foreclosures? Do you think the opposition or Tribune plans will ever come to the surface?
What drove this piece today though, was the Tribune’s front page Friday morning edition, which covered the Leader of the Opposition and his deputy, a report on persons infected with a virus at the hospital and the arraignment of a man who beheaded his girlfriend.
The paper wrote on its front page not one line on the Government announced relief to the businesses who suffered from the almost 100 million dollar delayed road project that affected hundreds of small businesses. [‘NP-RIP’].
Rather than report that grand announcement by the Minister of State for Finance in the Parliament yesterday, their headline was glaring inside “Delay in roadworks means delays again for drivers”. We wonder which rock they been living under for the past five years when the road seemed endless. The Tribune presented an entire page with that headline…Nothing about the relief. But they are fair and we at BP are bias.
It’s Unbelievable!
But that’s life hey?
They wrote also nothing about the thousands that will benefit from NIB’s increased benefits to the poor struggling Bahamians, pensioners and persons seeking assistance from the social security network.
Nothing said! Nothing written.
ONE WHOLE Day in Parliament on Thursday and all the front page of the Tribune read was how some bad children gone wild and how another MP apologies for attacking the character of another.
They must think we dumb and fool!
If we were Dr. Gomez, we would avoid comments with the Tribune not only on Sunday, but Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, because it is obvious they have no interest in – whatsoever is presented by the PLP – nor are they interested in its government’s legislative agenda!
Well if they [THE DUTTY TERLET – Tribune] could conclude inferences that suggest the people who support the PLP ‘Can’t Read’ then it is only fitting for the people to avoid reading them hey?