Tribune Fires Workers and Suspends Circulation to Family Islands


adfor.jpg<<< Eileen Carron /Publisher and John Marquis /Managing Editor of the TOILET PAPER.


Nassau, Bahamas: There are more job cuts on the way, and last week was no exception as the global economic crisis began to take hold in the Bahamas. Last week workers at the ‘Toilet Paper’ Tribune received their walking papers. Bahamas Press has learned that several reporters at the paper were included in that firing exercise.

What is amazing is the fact that all of the persons released were Bahamians. WHAT A SHAME! And again for many who had forgot this is the same newspaper which said, “they had increased by 14% in circulation over last year. Bahamas Press warned at the time that that was again ANOTHER LIE BY THE NEWSPAPER!

Sales at the Tribune were so poor that they forced their circulation manager to resign. And print ad sales at the paper were down by 50%, again contrary to what they reported early this year.

Bahamas Press has also learned that more heads will roll at the Guardian before the end of the week. The Tribune is the manager of that establishment as well.

Also the ‘Communist Thinkers’ who asked the government to censure users of the internet, has now decided to suspend their newspaper distrubtion to the family islands and create a website. WOW, even the TOILET PAPER operators are trying their best to follow Bahamas Press.

ALL THEY NOW NEED TO DO IS STOP LYING IN THEIR REPORTS AND THEY JUST MIGHT BE THE SECOND MOST POPULAR ONLINE PRODUCT AFTER US. The paper blamed its suspended distribution to the family islands on the “Increased air transportation costs.” We believe it is because of the low readership of the paper in the islands. It is known as ‘FREE TOILET PAPER’ in many settlements.


‘Toilet Paper’ vehicle being towed away. With No bathroom to carry the Toilet Papers, family Islanders will no longer get the newspaper. YIPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE! THANK GOODNESS FOR THE RECESSION!


  1. JR :

    Alferd :
    I want to know where he is reading the Tribune online ?- The Tribune facebook page is pathetic and should have been launched for feedback and discussion AFTER they had an epaper – The Guardian updates when it feels like –
    We have limited choices but remain grateful for the contribution that Bahamas Press is making –

    Al, do you think the Tribune would allow discussions by anyone on any paper they own, online or printed? I bet Marquis makes up his own quotes and says they are from “sources” and isn’t it funny how he always has people who called into the papers to knock the PLP? Funny nobody ever knocks the FNM. I putting them on standby. The minute they allow comments on their site, I’m making sure I go there every single day its up to tell them just how much they suck! Man I mad, Bynum hurt so someone’s got to pay.

    JR, all this noise the Tribune making and all their site contains PDF versions of each page of the paper. No forum, no comments, nothing. I had stopped buying the Tribune anyway and I just don’t have to buy it now.

  2. JR :

    Alferd :
    I want to know where he is reading the Tribune online ?- The Tribune facebook page is pathetic and should have been launched for feedback and discussion AFTER they had an epaper – The Guardian updates when it feels like –
    We have limited choices but remain grateful for the contribution that Bahamas Press is making –

    Al, do you think the Tribune would allow discussions by anyone on any paper they own, online or printed? I bet Marquis makes up his own quotes and says they are from “sources” and isn’t it funny how he always has people who called into the papers to knock the PLP? Funny nobody ever knocks the FNM. I putting them on standby. The minute they allow comments on their site, I’m making sure I go there every single day its up to tell them just how much they suck! Man I mad, Bynum hurt so someone’s got to pay.

    JR, know you know that site will be TIGHTLY moderated. They are not going to allow any scathing or damaging anti-FNM or anti-Tribune comments. Let see how much they really believe in freedom of speech!

  3. Alferd :
    I want to know where he is reading the Tribune online ?- The Tribune facebook page is pathetic and should have been launched for feedback and discussion AFTER they had an epaper – The Guardian updates when it feels like –
    We have limited choices but remain grateful for the contribution that Bahamas Press is making –

    Al, do you think the Tribune would allow discussions by anyone on any paper they own, online or printed? I bet Marquis makes up his own quotes and says they are from “sources” and isn’t it funny how he always has people who called into the papers to knock the PLP? Funny nobody ever knocks the FNM. I putting them on standby. The minute they allow comments on their site, I’m making sure I go there every single day its up to tell them just how much they suck! Man I mad, Bynum hurt so someone’s got to pay.

  4. So Joe, its okay for you and Finley to say whatever you like to us who openly identify ourselves as PLPs but when the backlash against him starts, you have an issue? You think this is the Tribune’s offices you’re in eh? If Finley gets hit with a nanny truck I wouldn’t shed a tear because he probably wishes the same for me and I can live with that. What I can’t live with is the unceasing butt licking you and he have on ice for the FNM. I bet if they killed your ma and burned your house down, you’ll find a way to justify that as being a wonderful move by Hubert. What a loser.

    Anyway BP, I am 1000% behind you on hoping, no praying, the Tribune shuts down for good although we know the rum running under the table money is still there and to think they want to call people corrupt. I hope they don’t think they can come online and enjoy the same success that BP has as well as some of the other sites. Its not the same and furthermore, Media, correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t that witch argue that online papers are a fad and will die out? So why is that wench trying to get in on the game now? Boy I hope BP gets past this thing about being anonymous and just goes legit and starts competing with them for advertising dollars. I tell you now, BP would clean up big time. The only money they would get would be the government money Hubert gives them for the Gazette as payback. They could open a million stations and still not keep up. I really only have one regret with them shutting down on the islands. Aunt Audrey won’t have any more scrap paper to clean her windows.

  5. I want to know where he is reading the Tribune online ?- The Tribune facebook page is pathetic and should have been launched for feedback and discussion AFTER they had an epaper – The Guardian updates when it feels like –

    We have limited choices but remain grateful for the contribution that Bahamas Press is making –

  6. Joe Blow :
    In democratic countries NO person is allowed to reproduce any regulation ballot or facsimile of any regulation ballot except the Elections Dep’t. For a Party member to have those ballots, even if for training purposes, is unethical. It is the perogative of the elections department to show persons how to mark their ballots. If one wishes to teach persons the proper way to mark a ballot, it should be done only by legitimate persons or with the express permission of the government dep’t in charge(who will produce a prescribed number; all of which ballots have to be returned). You see “FNM operatives” behind every bush when there is a disagreement with the actions or philosophy of your preferred party. Some of us will continue to feel free to agree or disagree with either party’s stance on any issue. I can be wrong on any issue but I do not deliberately spread propaganda. As far as I am aware, this blog is for everyone no matter what their political preference and also for those of us who are not aligned one way or the other.

    As I stated above, these “ballots” could in no way be taken for the real thing. They did not have both parties candidates names on them thus they were not a reproduction or a facsimile of the actual ballot. You would be absolutely shocked at how much people have absolutely no idea how to vote properly, what marks are and are not allowed. Come on, do you think the Parliamentary Registry has ever properly showed people the correct procedure?

    And were do you get this nonsense about me in regards to FNM operatives? Who do you think was responsible for spreading those rumors? It may not have originated with you but you are sure doing a good job of still spreading a totally political mischief almost 2 years after the election is over.

    You are right it is the right of everyone to post on here, but responsible persons should check their facts before spreading any and every wild rumor that is blowing in the wind on here. Y’all like to talk the new buzz word “change” these days but still carrying on with the some old practices.

  7. rb75: How right you are! We can solve our problems if we collectively work together and stop the name calling and divisive rhetoric. We are after all Bahamians first and foremost. We need to examine the issues from a citizen’s point of view and be prepared to offer solutions. We can debate the answers and point out the correctness or not of the solution without getting our feelings hurt when others disagree as long as they also present a viable solution. As long as we, on this site, continue to debate personalities we are no better than the “rag sheets” we abhor. If we want change, we will look at the issues, present solutions, propose strategies and have the intestinal fortitude to follow through even against the greatest of odds. “We are mad as “Hell” and won’t put up with it anymore” should be our mantra.

  8. Joe I think that it is time that you see the FNM for what it is the truth is the truth Joe …….while I do beleive in your right to support any part that you wish as a Bahamian I do beleive that some people in this country are currently living in a bubble that is about to burst the country is in a rut and the FNM does not have any answears and the PLP sames to be headed for civil war..

    Joe the country is in trouble and it is in this mess by the hands of Hubert Ingraham .

    Now that said Joe I think that the time for being an FNM or PlP has long passed it is now time for us to be Bahamians we are in trouble and we need the nation to come together and solve our problems.

  9. In democratic countries NO person is allowed to reproduce any regulation ballot or facsimile of any regulation ballot except the Elections Dep’t. For a Party member to have those ballots, even if for training purposes, is unethical. It is the perogative of the elections department to show persons how to mark their ballots. If one wishes to teach persons the proper way to mark a ballot, it should be done only by legitimate persons or with the express permission of the government dep’t in charge(who will produce a prescribed number; all of which ballots have to be returned). You see “FNM operatives” behind every bush when there is a disagreement with the actions or philosophy of your preferred party. Some of us will continue to feel free to agree or disagree with either party’s stance on any issue. I can be wrong on any issue but I do not deliberately spread propaganda. As far as I am aware, this blog is for everyone no matter what their political preference and also for those of us who are not aligned one way or the other.

  10. Joe Blow you are just as sickening as Thomas Finley with your FNM-ness. Be OBJECTIVE for once and stop thinking PLP and FNM. Jeez man!! Step out of the box sometimes!!

  11. Joe Blow :
    I fail to understand the logic of the PLP supporters who come to this site. If Mr. Finley wishes to support the FNM and the Tribune it is his right to do so. Imagine if everyone supported only the one Party. The country would fast become a dictatorship. We would have no say in the running of the country and this blog would not exist. And be careful what you wish for when you promote the demise of the newspapers. They do contain more than political news.Do you really want ZNS to be our only source? As to the present government being out of touch with the people; based on the PLP being “booted out” at the last election, might we dare to suggest that they too were not in touch! Oh no! Some of you will say they bought the election or influenced Election Bahamas but you forget the lateness of the boundary changes and the 41,000 bogus ballots. When we call for a change , it is not the change in the political Partys, it is a change in the attitude of the politicians and in ourselves that is needed if this country is to move forward.

    See Joe Blow this is the type of thing I have a problem with, when “FNM operatives” come on here and try to pass of political propoganda as fact. There were never any 41,000 “bogus ballots”. That was just FNM spin. The PLP produced regular paper ballots to help teach first time and other voters how to properly mark their ballot. You would be surprised to know just how many people have absolutely no idea of the proper voting procedure. These ballots were made of regular thin paper and could never pass for the thicker card ballots used for voting. A blind man could feel the difference. Did you ever hear of any charges being brought forward in this matter against the individual whose name was called? No, because there was no mischief involved except on behalf of certain FNM’s who continue to spread these false stories.

  12. Bradley B.E.Roberts WROTE

    Dear All, I am advised that the Bahamas MOT discontinued advertising last year whereas Jamaica continued. The results for Jamaica was a 4% increase in 2008 !!!! The benefits are clear for all to see. Was this a classic case of poor judgment??? who is to be held responsible?? It pains me to my very soul to see so many of our people loosing Jobs and now their homes.

    Will the Press wake up and discharge the sacred obligations as members of the fourth estate in holding the Hubert Ingraham’s Government Feet to the FIRE!!

    Bradley B.E.Roberts, Former MP and Cabinet Minister Of The Bahamas.

    Jamaica’s tourist arrivals increased in January

    Published on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Email To Friend Print Version

    KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS): Minister of Tourism, Edmund Bartlett, has confirmed a 3.4 per cent growth in visitor arrivals for January, compared with the same period last year.

    Bartlett pointed out that the 138, 000 tourists who visited the island during the month would be, “the largest number of visitors to have ever come to Jamaica in the month of January, in any year.”

    Minister of Tourism, Edmund Bartlett, outlines performance of the sector since the start of the year, at a press briefing He made the disclosure at a press briefing on February 4 at his ministry, New Kingston.

    The Minister credited the growth to intense advertising, marketing and promotion of the island overseas, especially for the start of the winter tourist season, and the staging of the annual Jazz and Blues festival last month.

    “We were in a good position in January to benefit from the changing or severe weather conditions that our tourists were experiencing,” he said.

    “In times such as these, people will travel to realize their passions. They have to be driven by some deeper value. When they have choices to make in terms of how to use their diminishing dollar, your destination must be impelling them to travel to you,” the Minister explained.

    He also revealed that there was a major spike in tourist arrivals towards the end of the month, while Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival was being held.

    “At the first week of January, we were down 6.4 per cent; the second week, we were down 0.3 per cent; the following week, we were up 1.3 per cent, then 1.8 per cent and the three days following that, we were up 51.1 per cent,” the Minister outlined.

    “The point is that we saw the spike during the two weeks when the festival took place and if it was not for the staging of the festival, the overall growth in arrivals in January would not have happened,” he explained.

    Mr. Bartlett said that a large portion of the visitors who came to Jamaica during the festival, were Jamaican nationals who came back for the event. He also said that hotels, both large and small, in the Montego Bay area were full to capacity.

    Meanwhile, giving an update on the sector’s performance last year, the Minister pointed out that, despite the economic downturn in the major markets overseas, Jamaica experienced a four per cent growth with a total of 1,769,271 stop-over arrivals and US$2 billion earned in revenue.

    Giving details on individual market performances, he said that the United States continued to dominate the arrivals, with some 1,150,942 visitors, representing an increase of 1.6 per cent over the previous year. Europe followed with 284,700 visitors, an increase of 1.5 per cent.

    Special mention was made of Canada, the biggest growth market with arrivals from that country increasing by 23.9 per cent.

    The Minister reported that stop-over arrivals from the Caribbean showed a very outstanding growth, increasing by 6.8 per cent, while the Latin American market grew by 32.5 per cent.

    On the matter of cruise arrivals, Mr. Bartlett said that the performance has been less than desirable, but it represented a stable position, with the extensive redeployment of vessels out of the Caribbean into the Mediterranean last year. Cruise passenger arrivals totalled 1,088,701 representing a 7.7 per cent decline.

    The Tourism Minister said that the focus of the sector is to drive the “strongest and deepest “creative energies, and find new ways to innovate and develop strategies and processes that will identify opportunities that will mitigate the impact of the economic downturn and create growth.

    Reads : 123

  13. YES ‘JOE BLOW’ we wish to promote that the TRIBUNE SHOULD CLOSE!

    Remember it is us on Bahamas Press who said we wish them NO GOOD!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  14. I fail to understand the logic of the PLP supporters who come to this site. If Mr. Finley wishes to support the FNM and the Tribune it is his right to do so. Imagine if everyone supported only the one Party. The country would fast become a dictatorship. We would have no say in the runnung of the country and this blog would not exist. And be careful what you wish for when you promote the demise of the newspapers. They do contain more than political news.Do you really want ZNS to be our only source? As to the present government being out of touch with the people; based on the PLP being “booted out” at the last election, might we dare to suggest that they too were not in touch! Oh no! Some of you will say they bought the election or influenced Election Bahamas but you forget the lateness of the boundary changes and the 41,000 bogus ballots. When we call for a change , it is not the change in the political Partys, it is a change in the attitude of the politicians and in ourselves that is needed if this country is to move forward.

  15. Thomas Finley is sickening. On another note, thanks Kevin McKenzie for that peep into history. So the Dupuch’s were doing foul business from then. I guess the charity old boy Dupuch was referring to was his wife’s bank account….rest her soul.

  16. Boy Finely gets on my nerves but still, I wish him well and hope that he still has a job. But then again, they way he defends the FNM and the Tribune, “he” may be one of the 2 persons in the photos above.

  17. BP.

    When I read and listen to the news of what is happening in our nation I think of the book animal farm by george orwell I say this because as in the book there was a revolt and the animals took over the farm and as in our country there was a quiet revolution under the PLP when we gain our majority rule and then independance….. and like the book the promise made that there would be a animal utopia and that freedom and liberty would reign forever but at last in our country as in the book the pigs who was lead by neopolian in the end began to look like the humans the very people who they ran off the farm and took it from they began to adopt their very way of life .

    Folkes our HOA met last week and the only bill on the agenda was a bill to amend or change the Police Services act this was the only bill on the agenda of the Parliamnet in the Bahamas the only one when people are loosing their jobs and homes when women are turning to selling their bodies and men are turning to crime and drugs to put food on the tables the only bill that the government could see fit to bring to the Bahamian people was this …The government of this country is out of touch with the nation and our people the government is failing to provide protection and help for our people and thus in my view does not deserve the right to hold on to the reigns of power…..when the labour minister can say that he did not know that 35 people have lost their jobs in Bimini then we have a grave and serious problem .

    Folkes I feel that we will revert to civil unrest in a short period of time and it will be very bad for our country.

  18. As we said before we say again, KEEP BOYCOTTING THAT “TOILET PAPER” for if you the thousands of readers keep it up they would not just cancel services and downsize, ONE DAY THEY WOULD HAVE TO CLOSE THEIR DOORS FOR GOOD!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  19. for those of you who like history please read the book,”The faith that move the mountain” by sir Randol Fawkes where he reveal that mrs.Eileen Carron’s father,mr.Dupuch received $10,000.00 from mobsters trying to obtain a casino licence in the Bahamas at that time.when this came to the public’s attention mr.Dupuch then claimed he gave that illegal money to you know why the Tribune is so anti PLP.

  20. There was just no way the Tribune’s readership could increase by double digits when newspaper readership is down all over the world. The question is how bad is it t the Tribune, Journal and Guardian?

    MEDIA, it wont surprise me if one of the three newspapers close its doors.

  21. BOY ALTEC, when ya looking for Jerry Roker you just cannot find him hey? You think they fired “Thomas Findley” for spying on Bahamas Press and giving them a BAD NAME?

    Or do you think they fired the reporter who put that LYING PRESS RELEASE, which Sharon Turner sent from BIS which they published? BOY our contacts in the Tribune (who are still there) told us that ‘OLD MAID’ on Shirley Street was so mad!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  22. Hey Media, where is that guy who posted here saying that the Tribune readership had increased by double digits?

  23. My local source for the Tribune advised today that Tuesday will be the last day for the Paper. Bahamasair has raised it freight rate on newspapers by several hundred %. From 0.07 cents per pound to 67 cents per pound. Wow!!

    Anyway, the good news is that I can now read the entire paper online.

    Time marches on!

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