Tribune Gone Funky! Jack Ass on Front Page!!


BP was surprised this morning when we picked up the neighbor’s delivered Tribune and saw the headlines. Well motorbike! The Tribune headlines read, “You’re Country Needs You” with a photo of a jackass under it. Another title read, “Then why are we letting (picture of Jackass) cause our nation to lose hundreds of millions in revenue”.

Not to get too carried away with the writing and to make a long story short, the jackasses the story was referring to was the attorney general and the government of The Bahamas. My, my, my, BP never thought we would see the day when the Tribune actually fell out with the FNM. This made BP curious so we decided to do some digging. 

Our first investigations led us to the door of the white, foreign supervisory staff at the Tribune which includes the  Editor who seems to know more about The Bahamas than Bahamians. But no! That’s not who seemed to be responsible for this. So BP dug a little further and realized it was the owner of the Tribune’s son who coined the name “Spoiled Brat” some time back when he went on rampages, cursing and threatening staff, even causing one to be admitted to the hospital once.

Well the Spoiled Brat and the FNM seems to be at war. Ever heard the term, “Play Wit Puppy and Dey Lick Ya Mouth”. You all dont believe when we tell you that  Minnis’ government is corrupt to the core. Well check this out …. the Spoiled Brat put together a sweet deal for him, Minnis and some other fellows in the FNM and the attorney general and the minister of tourism will not sign off on it. 

It’s an aviation and weather forecast package that the minister and A.G. can’t find the sense in. Minnis and the Spoiled Brat along with the FNM chairman and his sidekicks are set to earn millions from this package but no one would sign off on it and it’s upsetting the Spoiled Brat. What in da hell is dis??!!!

Now fast forward to this morning. The front page you see this morning is a result of the Spoiled Brat taking hold of the Tribune’s reins and hammering down an ill-written and ill-headlined story himself like a thief in the night. Why did he do it himself you ask? Well after harrassing the management staff daily to do his bidding, using abusive language and threats, he has resorted to doing the work himself. The Spoiled Brat has run hot cause the AG won’t sign the document.

Now BP sits back and sees if the A.G. is going to use his power to bring charges on the Tribune for calling him an ass on its front page. Always remember what’s done in the dark will see the light. Drugs is a serious ting too, but that’s talk for another day. 

We report!! Yinner decide!!!