Tribune head office robbed and bomb scare at COB



Publisher Eileen Carron and Managing Editor John Marquis.

Whilst editors were priding themselves suggesting that they are breaking news first, second or third in this country, the morning daily Tribune was getting robbed. The robbery was just hours after a daring daylight robbery at Scotia Bank on East and Soldier Roads. Where bullets fell like rain drops in the bank. All three suspects were nabbed by police. However, today a gunman stopped the messenger of the Tribune as he exited the publication’s head office. Robbers fled with the cash deposit. Bahamas Press takes this incident seriously. This is no laughing matter and to this, we add is a testament as to the serious level CRIME and violence have risen in The Bahamas. People robbing newspaper companies, a state of desperation! We hope the Tribune would agree that CRIME IS OUT OF CONTROL HERE IN THE BAHAMAS, and SHOULD STOP PARADING AS PR AGENTS FOR THE POLICE SUGGESTING OTHERWISE.

The College of The Bahamas however had a scare of its own, another bomb scare in the capital. Workers were evacuated off the college campus around noon today as the bomb squad cleared the building. Again nothing was found. Parents need to tell their idle children who are home playing with the telephones to “STOP CALLING IN ‘BOMB SCARE’ at their MUMMY WORK!”