Trinidad elected its first woman PM tonight


BREAKING NEWS OUT OF TRINIDAD <<< Kamla Persad-Bissessar, is now Trinidad and Tobago’s first female prime minister. She leads the United National Congress and has campaigned on promises of improving health care and ethnic equality. Trinidadians voted for change kicking out of office the PNM government headed by Patrick Manning. 

Manning called elections two years early in an attempt to receive a new mandate from the people. Many Trinidadians asked the question, why would Manning call an election when he had the mandate for two more years. The answer is still unknown however we all know tonight the twin island nation has resoundingly voted for CHANGE!!!

The air is light in the capital city Port of Spain tonight following a heated election run of high tensions on the country’s racial and ethnic divide. BP saw the race as a precursor to the Bahamian elections, which is likely to be head next year.

The winning Party of Persad-Bissessar wore the Gold colours and the losers of Manning’s Party wore the red. Election commentators suggested the race was too close to call, however, by as of 10pm tonight, the government was being beaten by the opposition 2:1.

Bahamas Press congratulates the new PM on her big LANDSLIDE VICTORY!