Nassau, Bahamas — Just a day after a National Day of Prayer, detectives are combing the scenes of three murders here in the capital.
Sources in the position to know tell us, three men have been gunned down early this morning leaving no leads to the crime scene.
BP agents investigating these murders tell us, two of the incidents occurred in Ridgeland Park area and right now, another scene is at Palmetto Ave.
The incidents climbed the murder count to 286 murders since 2009, with some 20 suspicious deaths are still unclassified by police.
According to BP’s murder count, the number of incidents brings this year’s count to 96, just two murders shy of the 98 recorded last year.
Meanwhile, BP agents on the island of Cat Island at this hour tell us detectives are following a tip that 20-year-old, Garrison Pyfrom, has been spotted in the area and is believed to be hiding out with family.
Pyfrom is on the run from police following the murder of 17-year-old, Courtney McKenzie. The crime of murder occurred in Exuma last August.
Bahamas Press, on the heels of A Nation Crisis is calling on the Obama Administration to fund two BlackHawk fighter helicopters to assist the Bahamas in its fight with the growing crime problem across the country.
A BP NEWS ALERT: Bahamas Press understands Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition and front runner for the leadership of the country is meeting with seniors advisors at this hour. BP is told, Perry Christie, will arrive at Sir Lynden Pindling Centre at 1:45pm today following his briefing to address members of the media. Mr. Christie shall, we are told, raise concerns over the high-level of crime and murder which has rocked our once peaceful and tranquil nation.
I hope they find whoever is hiding Garrison an punish them beacuse its not fair to take sum1 life an your free an justice isnt being serve it being almost 2months now an the police cant catch 1 man its jus sad honestly we have to do better done this.. An a matter of fact if he lived exuma how did he get cat island he sure cant walk dere sum1 had to take all of this are things we need to find an put dese ppl behind bars
Perhaps we are witnessing God’s wrath in the face of Hypocrisy. Much of the entire front row of those attending the prayer event are known to be NON-Believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
So what was so important about their attendance?
A nation is in peril when its Spiritual life is directed by self-seeking men who place politicians as higher authorities than God!
We in The Bahamas need to pray for DELIVERANCE!!!
If this Garrison boy is shak up with his family, kindly put an intense cut azz on whomever is in the house with him. Whether it be man, woman or monkey. Beat them suppie suppie. I dont care if they old or young, beat them like stupid donkey. Beat them until they can understand that hiding a criminal from justice is an offense. If you can’t or wont do this, then fly me in, I’ll do it for free.
This is why are nation is under distress..this same mentality . fight fight beat beat war war .. there are “sensible methods with all issues – even punishment”
The Prime Minister and the religious leaders must stop trying to PLAY WITH GOD!!!Contrary to the remarks of HUBERT and TOMMY criminals DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL CRIMINALS NOR ANY ONE ELSE.The pastors must tell the GOVERNING AND OPPOSITION parties when their actions/deeds or words are WRONG OR LIES.Government and the courts must PROSECUTE ALL law breakers and not just the small man.
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