Tropical Storm Erika, Operations at The College of The Bahamas Closes!




The public is advised that due to Tropical Storm Erika, The College of The Bahamas Oakes Field and Grosvenor Close Campuses will close effective Friday, August 28 th , 2015 at 6:00 p.m. This means that all classes previously scheduled to begin at or after 6:00 p.m. have been suspended. Operations at the Harry C. Moore Library and Information Centre will also close at 6:00 p.m. Friday until further notice.

On Saturday, August 29 th , the Oakes Field and Grosvenor Close Campuses, inclusive of the Harry C. Moore Library and Information Centre and Chapter One Bookstore, will remain closed. No classes will be held on Saturday and all activities previously scheduled for any College of The Bahamas facility on Saturday, Sunday and Monday have been suspended.

On Monday, August 31 st , the Oakes Field and Grosvenor Close Campuses, including the Harry C. Moore Library and Information Centre and the Chapter One Bookstore, will remain closed until further notice.

All essential service staff members in the Security Department, Office of Information Technology and Physical Plant Department must report for duty as assigned.


The Northern Bahamas Campus in East Grand Bahama will close effective Saturday, August 29 th at 12 noon and will remain closed on Monday, August 31 st and Tuesday, September 1 st until further notice.


Following the passage of Erika and after the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has issued the official “all clear”, a thorough assessment will be conducted of all College facilities and a subsequent notice will be issued regarding the resumption of operations and classes at the respective campuses.

College of The Bahamas faculty, staff and students should closely monitor all official COB communication channels (website – , emails and social media channels) as well as the national news media for announcements and updates related to contingencies and operations at The College.