
<<< Meet Troy Garvey, PTA President of the EMR High School. He lends the kind of voice badly needed in the Bahamas. A fearless VOICE for young people and CHANGE in our Islands!

Troy Garvey, the lone voice now emanating from Grand Bahama on the sexual slaughter matter, is Bahamas Press’ HERO OF THE WEEK!

Garvey is the PTA president of the Eight Mile Rock High School on Grand Bahama. He, almost single handedly dragged the matter of SEXUAL SLAUGHTER now being committed by teachers against little boys before the public.

From middle 2007 Garvey along with others called on the Ministry of Education to investigate pedophilia committed at the school. BUT NOTHING WAS DONE. Complaints continued in 2008 by the PTA president and in November it reached a boiling point. CARL BETHEL minister of education and the condoner of sexual crimes DID NOTHING. In fact the minister’s department allowed a teacher NOW wanted by police for creating the SEXUAL SLAUGHTER MESS to escape town!

Bahamas Press learned through sources on GB that Andre Birbal lured scores of young boy into an after school program hosted by Bethel’s ministry. But when Birbal was named by the parents and two victims to the police, Bethel’s ministry refused to allow an investigation to continue. Bahamas Press has word that an official in the ministry and a senior police officer also aided Birbal in his crimes.

Garvey never letup! He called WUTLESS Carl Bethel to account. He cried SHAME on the police and although members of the WUTLESS media had hoped Birbal was a PLP, they to tried to bury the story! It was not until a trip into Florida, members of the PTA saw Birbal changing money, that Birbal escape was known. Bahamas Press has learned that the Ministry of Education allowed Birbal to resign and delivered him a cheque and aided in his escape, even whilst the CRIMES he and others committed against CHILDREN was being investigated!

Today more that 20 boys have been affected by Birbal’s VICKED ACTS at EMR High, for over an eight year period. As Garvey said, “THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!” We SALUTE TROY GARVEY AS OUR BP HERO OF THE WEEK! FOR BEING THE SOLE VOICE FOR CHILDREN IN THIS COUNTRY!



  1. Didn’t I tell you people Finley is an idiot? Get with it man. I remember when this EMR thing first started and from jump street, BP was posting the teacher’s name and begging and pleading with Carl to do something. When Garvey went on TV, begging Carl to do something, nothing happened. So when you hear a nanny mouth zombie like Finley run on and try to blame the victim, just know that he’s just talking his sh** again. CArl needs a good cut skin for what he allowed to happen and then for saying its because the children malnourished. Well monkey foot. If Alfred Sears let that happen, you would have had plenty red skinned FNMers on Bay Street calling for the PLP’s head. You would have had Simeon Hall on every radio station saying the country is in crisis, but now he can’t be heard because he looking for his Clico money. If this were the PLP, you wouldn’t have heard the end of it so shut your mouth Uncle Tom.

  2. Hi Thomas Finley: today is Easter Sunday, I just wanted you to know I was finally able to over that repulsive comment that you made about that poor little girl. Sometimes I think because of your usual lack of judgments, you really don’t realize what you are saying at times and it really would not be fair for people to hold that against you. We have to learn how to forgive each other of our shortcoming, if we want God to forgive us.

    Thomas Finley :
    I think I heard that the girl did a number on the young man and not the other way around. Maybe she held a knife on him, not that the boy would complain, but it was said that this girl was very fast, experienced, and knowledgeable. And don’t give me that jive about their relative ages either…

  3. Thomas Finley :Mr. Bethell is not responsible for anyone’s children…what happen to Parents, pastors, and people in the community? We say the politicians are lousy,and our Justice System is who you know, but whenever there is a problem we run to them.If there was evidence that this teacher was a predator the people were supposed to “reach” for that culprit, and deal with him. As long as we continue to play they will take us, all of us, for a joke. In Jamaica that man would have been dealt with by the Community. Stop beating up your gums and take a stand.

    I am shocked!! So in other words I would be safe if I were to say that even though PC was the PM, he was not responsible for his MPs?!? OK if you say so but I doubt many would agree with you!!

    The leader is always ultimately responsible for anything that goes on in his or her ministry!! But what goes on is not as important as how each minister deals with the issues that arise in their ministry..

    That’s what is in question here!! How the minister (M. Bethel) is dealing with and has dealt with these issues… No one can stop people from doing evil if they choose to but one can put a stop to it after it is done so that that person won’t do it again though!!

  4. Fern :Miss Sands,
    I know by your posts that you are a decent person or what my mother use to say “good people”. Keep it up! There will always be opportunities to share with these or other girls to help them make something of themselves.
    Be encouraged!

    Fern: you are such a sweet and beautiful person! I find your comment to be so encouraging. I thought if I share my personal experience what I had with these kids, it would help other people to realize that sometimes these children are walking around with some serious issues and sometimes it is so easy for us to be caught up in our own lives and ignore them. Thank you for letting me know that you appreciated what I have shared.

  5. Miss Sands,

    I know by your posts that you are a decent person or what my mother use to say “good people”. Keep it up! There will always be opportunities to share with these or other girls to help them make something of themselves.

    Be encouraged!

  6. Joe Blow :Thank you Kim for sharing this with us. By doing so, know that you have up-lifted at least one person’s spirit. Bless you in all your endeavours and enjoy this Easter week-end. Keep sharing your LOVE!

    Thank you Joe Blow, I know you would have been one of the persons that would have appreciated me sharing this experience, because you are a very kind person. I really hope you are enjoying your Easter Holiday.

  7. Thank you Kim for sharing this with us. By doing so, know that you have up-lifted at least one person’s spirit. Bless you in all your endeavours and enjoy this Easter week-end. Keep sharing your LOVE!

  8. This is something I would really like to share. I know sometimes I tend to get a little on the personal side and people may think I am full of myself right, but I believe if you have something positive to share and it can encourage others why not share it. Anyway, I have a little store where a lot of schools kids would stop by after school and when they reach my store for some reason they would get very comfortable, they would sit down and start telling me about all their problems at school and at home. At first this use to bother me because I am trying to run a professional business and I really believe there is a time and place for everything. Anyway these children must be see the sign counselor on my forehead, because the more I told them I don’t want any loafers hanging up in my store, they still continue to come. Anyway, I have started listening to about 5 of them and we have become very good friends and any time there is an event happening at their school they would refer all of their friends to my store to buy clothes for the event. I have been helpful and encouraging to these young ladies, I have motivated 2 of them to stay in school and they will be graduation this June. There is another girl who confided in me that her uncle was molesting her, I have went with her to tell her mother and they reported the matter to the police and the uncle is out on bail awaiting his court date. Her mother is very grateful to me and I am very happy that I was able to help. It is hard for me to listening to ever child problem, but I am very happy I took the time to encourage these 5 girls. Now, I have 5 young friends who I believe will always remember me as a person they could have come to when they needed to talk about their problems. Two of them have already asked me to come and see them graduate, this really means a lot to me and it has taught me, it really takes a community to raise a child. Now, I look forward to seeing these girls and I have a very good relationship with their mothers and some of their other family members. Their mothers feel so comfortable sending them to shop at my store, because they know I would not sell them anything that would get them into harms way, that‘s the only time these girls would ever get angry with me….lol…..

  9. @Fern

    Yeah Fern, at least Garvey came forward and said something. The damage could have been far worst. I just can’t understand how people can take these allegations lightly. Even if those children were not telling the truth, everything should have been done to get to the bottom of it. We can not ignore the children as if they do not matter, we have to encourage them and make them feel appreciated. We have to protect them and push them to be all that they could be. Children are so vulnerable. I lost my father at a very young age and I have yet to get over it. I still have my moments of sadness, where I would sometimes cry to myself and ask why did he have to die? Thank God I had a wonderful mother and grand parents who did everything to make sure my childhood were as normal as possible and they tried to make sure I was not lacking anything. Those children at EMRH need to feel loved more than anything else, The parents, the pastor, the teachers, and the whole community need to be make those children feel extra special and to teach them to lean on God when faced with adversity , that is the only way they will ever recover from this. The important thing is not to ignore and pretend it never happened. Like the situation with my father, I had to face it, accept it, cope with it and then move on.

  10. MIss Sands

    In my haste to respond I forgot to mention OUR BAHAMIAN HERO. HE SHOULD BE COMMENDED BY ALL PARENTS FOR EXPOSING THE EVIL IN THAT SCHOOL. Birbal is a GUYANESE SISSY DOG that preyed on our children but he will get his just reward here and in the afterlife.

    Garvey, I believe like most persons, was afraid to speak out and perhaps thought it was just rumour and wanted to get his facts straight before saying something. That is a serious matter and to report on what might have been “rumour” could have gotten him in deep trouble.

    Nevertheless, I SALUTE YOU GARVEY! you are indeed a great Bahamian who spoke out for our children and saved who knows a generation of our precious young men.

    On behalf f all Bahamian and non-Bahamian parents I do thank you.

  11. Fern :Media, Ms. Sands and Mr. Finley,
    While we are all angry at what was done to the children at the EMR school, let me say that if the matter was not brought to the attention of the Minister and his administration, then how would they know? I BLAME THE TEACHERS (FOREIGN AND BAHAMIAN) who knew what that sissy dog was doing and said nothing about it. Then there should be blame for the District Superintendents in GB who failed to do regular inspections of their schools and report these matters to HQ. Finally, the Principals all want to appear to have “Outstanding” schools. Nooe want it to seem that they are not in control of their school and as a result they would do almost anything to sweep matters under the rug.

    Hi Fern: I agree with you there is certainly a lot of blaming to go around. Why I mainly focus on blaming Carl Bethel is that I feel like he was not really saying anything much until Birbal escaped and why didn’t he thank Mr. Garvey publicly for bringing this matter to his attention? That’s what I am having difficulties with. Then there is Mr. Garvey the hero in all of this who knew about what was happening from about 2 years ago. Now I am starting to question, why did Mr. Garvey take so long to push the issue? He knew what was happening was not right, he should have gone to every media outlet in the country to sound the alarm about what was going on at the school when the ministry did not give him any satisfaction. I think Birbal was given such a long period to do too much damage. I don’t know if at first Mr. Garvey was afraid to be victimized and it took him a while to find the courage, but I still view him as a hero because he speak out and he brought a stop to what Birbal was doing. Thank God!

  12. Media, Ms. Sands and Mr. Finley,

    While we are all angry at what was done to the children at the EMR school, let me say that if the matter was not brought to the attention of the Minister and his administration, then how would they know? I BLAME THE TEACHERS (FOREIGN AND BAHAMIAN) who knew what that sissy dog was doing and said nothing about it. Then there should be blame for the District Superintendents in GB who failed to do regular inspections of their schools and report these matters to HQ. Finally, the Principals all want to appear to have “Outstanding” schools. Nooe want it to seem that they are not in control of their school and as a result they would do almost anything to sweep matters under the rug.

  13. Well it appears that there may be some conspiracy between ZNS and MOE to downplay this story… It’s strange though, Clint was the reporter used to insinuate that there was no case relating to the matter regarding the EMR school.

    Being an individual who studies behaviors and mental processes Clint’s traits puzzles me and I am led to assume a prognosis that is both diabolical, immoral and disturbing. Some three to four years ago Clint covered a story about child molestation. Gernerally, a reporter would present the facts and end with possible resolutions or questions. Clint’s demeanor however, was noticeably tainted with some sort of guilt, as he dabbled around the facts and talked about rebounding if one committed such an act and the road to forgiveness.( Strange)

    My mom always said ” if you live in a glass house, you better not throw stones” When you think no one is watching you be very careful. Clint in short, we know about your Birbal like deeds too…..

    On a former very popular radio talk show,” Immediate Response” Mr Wayne Munroe warned of lynch mobbing and how it would be destructive but you’ll didn’t listen. So Clint, because you used your media influence to aid in dethroning Shane… we are going to EXPOSE YOU AND and your infectious attraction for lil “CHOIR BOYS”

    Clint may be what you should do, in an effort to mitigate embarrasment to both the Government and ZNS is resign now!!!!! The clock is against you buddy…..

  14. @media

    Something is terribly wrong with the way Carl Bethel and the Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest have down played these allegations. This falls under both of their ministries and they both should have been deeply involved seeking justice for those undernourished boys and Andre Birbal should have never been allowed to leave the country, much less given a cheque to aid in his escape. What has happened to those little boys is very serious and I can’t understand how some people if they have any morals could ignore that.

  15. @Kim Sands
    And to add to this KIM, the Minister, Carl “Undernourished” Bethel allowed his ministry to cut Andre Birbal a cheque upon his resignation. Now if a police investigation was intended as suggested, Why would the Ministry of Education disperse funds for his separation if nothing was sinister. They Bethel knew an investigation was being done into crimes by Birbal, but they proceeded to let him go. Now these are the same people who went to the media (LIONEL Sands AND CLINT WATSON), and said that there is NO case.

    Bethel’s ministry aided in the escape of the pedophile teacher, and he never condemned that error by his ministry. BETHEL MUST RESIGN. HE MUST RESIGN, HE MUST RESIGN! FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN BETHEL, RESIGN!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. @Joe Blow

    When you look at it Carl Bethel did not really speak up on this issue until Birbal sneaked out of the country. They should have been investigating these allegations, regardless if it was true or false. If they did any investigation it appears to have been done in a shabby way. Carl Bethel should have been deeply involved in this matter, because this falls under his ministry. Also if Berbal was innocent he had no reason to skip town. The police should have confiscated his passport until a complete investigation was done. It is sad that something like this could happen in our country and no one is held accountable for it.

  17. @Joe Blow

    Joe Blow I have the most respect for you and I see you as a man of principles, but I think it is time for you to stop trying to protect Carl Bethel just because he is an FNM. When you know he did not do his best to seek justice for those little boys, who are now HIV positive. He made it sound as if it were those boys fault for being undernourished. Those boys health may have already started to deteriorate and the senseless Minister might just be thinking they are undernourished. Anyway, them being undernourished as nothing to do with what happened to them.

  18. @Joe Blow
    Now Joe Blow you cannot mean SPECULATION ON OUR PART ECH? Now that cannot be the case here. We pointed out the facts. The man is now posted for the crimes by the police. Carl “UNDERNOURISHED” Bethel confirmed the incidents did occur and he said why. So who speculating here us (BP) or the director Lionel Sands and Clint Watson who said there is NO CASE?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  19. As this story grows larger and larger, perhaps it is time for someone to ask specific questions of the police officer in charge of the investigation. From the possibility of one child being sexually assaulted, to 20 or more in the one school, and one teacher being the perpetrator, to several teachers involved in that one school, to all schools in Grand Bahamas having this problem, we are running away from what is factual into the arms of the fanciful. Speculation never solves the problem. It would appear that all teachers must be much more carefully veted before being hired to deal with children. It also appears that the school administrators needs to answer some hard questions put to them by the parents as they are the hands on persons in these alleged cases. To blame the Minister of Education is counter-productive, although we can demand he cause a complete investigation to take place. Ultimately it is the young accusers or their guardians who must lay the charges and produce the initial evidence that the deed did take place. In the meantime, we are all blowing a lot of “hot air” because none of us truly knows what, if anything. has taken place here.

  20. this stuff is not only happening @ the EMRHS it’s happening at ALL schools in Grand Bahama. I know of a P.E teacher, from a private church school, that continuously tried to chastise me for my attitude, but now he’s misteriously disappeared, with just a slap on the risk for “allegedly” inappropriate behaviour with female students in class. Not a single word on this tho from the school administration, but students are escorted daily by police out of the school in handcuffs for lesser and first time offences, often times without the parents even knowing. Boy what double standards we live by!

  21. @Thomas Finley

    Finley you sound like a man with no principals. How could you say something like that? That girl did not pull a knife on Bethel’s son. For you to make excuses for what that young man did to that little girl goes to show how sick you are in your head.

  22. I think I heard that the girl did a number on the young man and not the other way around. Maybe she held a knife on him, not that the boy would complain, but it was said that this girl was very fast, experienced, and knowledgeable. And don’t give me that jive about their relative ages either…

  23. Thomas Finley :
    Mr. Bethell is not responsible for anyone’s children….

    And when you check Carl “UNDERNOURISHED” Bethel’s record, you would not want him responsible for ANYONE’s child. Do you remember Queen’s College SEX COVERUP THOMAS? Well we can remind you. It was Carl Bethel’s son, who decided to RAPE a 13 year old school girl on the school campus.

    If he could not keep his own son inline, you think we as parents would want him to keep ours? Seeing what his son did, and Carl talking all this CRAP about children being undernourished, we would have a disaster on our hands. EVERY 12 O’Clock it would be SEX TIME in every public and private school across this NATION, if Carl “Undernourished Bethel was to be responsible for everyone’s child!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  24. Thomas Finley :In Jamaica they would not know who to charge because no one would talk…our Detectives are not worth the paper their cheques are printed on, so no worries there…if they do not catch you in the act, you safe and even when they catch you they, or the AG’s office, may still bungle the case.Mr. Bodie was talking about our current AG on his radio show recently and basically said that that Office is being occupied by a Caretaker. Allison Gibson was the only AG in recent memory who tried to shake that place up.

    Trust me Thomas when I tell you this, not all those cases that gets screwed up by the AG office happens by accident, so if you are going to take matters into your own hands, just make sure you are well connected. Otherwise you and the average person butts will get lost in jail.

  25. In Jamaica they would not know who to charge because no one would talk…our Detectives are not worth the paper their cheques are printed on, so no worries there…if they do not catch you in the act, you safe and even when they catch you they, or the AG’s office, may still bungle the case.Mr. Bodie was talking about our current AG on his radio show recently and basically said that that Office is being occupied by a Caretaker. Allison Gibson was the only AG in recent memory who tried to shake that place up.

  26. And now seeing that Carl Bethel will not RESIGN, we at Bahamas Press has a SPECIAL NAME FOR HIM… Wait for it in our next post on HIM!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  27. What’s really bothering me is how many schools something like this could be happenning. Politicians are too busy worrying about their image in the press, and I am talking about both sides. Don’t you think that they should be calling for a complete investigation into all the schools, God forbid there are more of these sickos!

  28. Thomas Finley :
    Mr. Bethell is not responsible for anyone’s children…what happen to Parents, pastors, and people in the community? We say the politicians are lousy,and our Justice System is who you know, but whenever there is a problem we run to them.If there was evidence that this teacher was a predator the people were supposed to “reach” for that culprit, and deal with him. As long as we continue to play they will take us, all of us, for a joke. In Jamaica that man would have been dealt with by the Community. Stop beating up your gums and take a stand.

    Thomas Finley: You seem to be advocating for people to start taking matters into their own hands which I believe is against the law. What if someone did grab that sissy Birbal and beat him to death? Then that person would have been charged with murder and everybody would be saying that person is so stupid he or she should have reported the matter to authorities and let them handle it. I am sure many persons would have loved to take Birbal off the face of the earth, but there was a right way and a wrong way to deal with this matter. Yes, had this been in other countries he probably would have been a dead man by now, but for the most part Bahamians are civilize people who have a tendency to depend on authorities to do their jobs, but they have failed us repeatedly. People are getting tired of being disappointed; eventually they might start to deal with these issues themselves, instead of waiting for government to disappoint them. If you really believe Mr. Bethel is not responsible for anybody’s children when he is the Minister for Education, it seem as though you agree with us that he should be removed from his post.

  29. @Thomas Finley
    I was just waiting for you to answer in this manner so I can explode on you Finley (FROM THE TRIBUNE). Just in case you don’t know the role of a minister in the Bahamas as it is in your country, GREAT BRITON, it is like this. A minister is appointed by the GG. And is CONSTITUTIONALLY empowered to POLICE the ministry which he/she is entrusted on behalf of the Prime Minister.

    Bethel is not responsible for the actions of what Children do, that is NOT up for discussion here. However he is the manager of the department. And wherever there are breaches in the LAW OF THE BAHAMAS, which he swore to uphold, HE and NO OTHER PERSON IN THE MINISTRY, has a duty to UPHOLD IT.

    Andre Birbal and others MOLESTED SCORES OF UNDERAGE BOYS at the Eight Mile Rock High School AND BETHEL DID NOTHING! In fact his ministry AIDED HIS ESCAPE OUT OF THE COUNTRY WHILST AN INVESTIGATION WAS UNDERWAY. And how is it you forget both Lionel Sands and Clint Watson went on National TV and reported that there was NO CASE at the EMR High School? You forget that ech?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  30. Mr. Bethell is not responsible for anyone’s children…what happen to Parents, pastors, and people in the community? We say the politicians are lousy,and our Justice System is who you know, but whenever there is a problem we run to them.If there was evidence that this teacher was a predator the people were supposed to “reach” for that culprit, and deal with him. As long as we continue to play they will take us, all of us, for a joke. In Jamaica that man would have been dealt with by the Community. Stop beating up your gums and take a stand.

  31. Natasha :You are so right Mr Tucker. All forms of media in this country are biased. The newscasts and the papers run the stories they choose and many times the Bahamian public is left unaware of the happenings in this country. Even in some workplaces, top level management keep employees uniformed. Take the Clico issue for example. Those people were clueless!
    Mr Garvey speaking out must have put fire in Carl Bethel. But who will stand up for our children? MOE has fallen short and has failed our kids terribly. How can we expect children to value themselves if we treat them as though people who have hurt them can get a free pass.

    Agreed… Mr. Bethel brushed it off as a political move by Garvey.. That’s why he took so long to answer.. It should be noted that Mr. Bethel did not comment on this matter until the official PLP commented on it through its chairman… This also showed that as a parent, Mr. Garvey was shown NO respect by the minister because I have heard Mr Garvey several times on realtalk live talking about this…

  32. I agree with BP 100%…. This man fought against the odds and most FNMs that I talk to said that he only did what he did for political reasons, how petty!!

    These boys are our children. What does that have to do with politics??

  33. You are so right Mr Tucker. All forms of media in this country are biased. The newscasts and the papers run the stories they choose and many times the Bahamian public is left unaware of the happenings in this country. Even in some workplaces, top level management keep employees uniformed. Take the Clico issue for example. Those people were clueless!

    Mr Garvey speaking out must have put fire in Carl Bethel. But who will stand up for our children? MOE has fallen short and has failed our kids terribly. How can we expect children to value themselves if we treat them as though people who have hurt them can get a free pass.

  34. Johnny Tucker :Thank almighty God for true fearless unsung heroes like Mr Garvey. I could only hope that Bahamas Press with all of its resources and international media connections push this story until human rights organizations get a hold of it. If we allow our children to become molested and polluted what does that say about the future of our country?
    I have yet but one question to ask again, who in this country has the power to dictate to the media what stories to run and which ones to slip under the cover? It has to be a minipulative, self centered, psychodynamic ice-sucking power hungry “it was a cressendo of voices that caused me to run again” pedophilic aider/abeter, “lea ma run da gobman by ma sef” freak!!!!!
    Word on the streets is Jack Hayward has the similar problems EMR school do… We need more Garvy’s in our country.. Without question he has revived the spirit of Sir Milo, an honorable Bahamian.We don’t need the House of Assembly to be filled with Liars(lawyers) we need people with the common appeal, who has a passion for the protection of innocent toddlers and the preservation of community; people whose integrity is indellible and beyond reproach…
    I remember well how a ZNS reporter was bamming on the doors of Shane Gibson’s office during the Ana Nicole saga.. Clint why aren’t you passionate about this story?? Yeah YOU Clint Watson!!!
    God is going to wash this country clean…. Money can’t stop it, HOOBUTT can’t stop it and definately political affiliation will not stop it…This incident should serve as a warning to all those who want to enter politics. Bahamians are not interested in amending our cultural beliefs. We do not support nor condone homosexuality… It is our God given right…. Further, we do not support nor condone Government ministry’s, or Government leaders providing safe haven to illicit activities such as child molestation….
    Please rest assured this issue will not die until Justice has been duly served…..

    Why ask a question if you already know the answer? You know just why Clint is not passionate about this story…lol…

  35. It had to take a lot of courage for Mr. Troy Garvey to speak out the way he did. I honestly believe had it not been for him speaking out on behalf of those boys who were taken advantage of by that stinking animal called Andre Birbal more and more of our young men may have been molested. I am glad BP saw fit to recognize Mr. Garvey as a hero and I could not agree more with this title being attached to him. The thing is, I think Carl Bethel the most wutless Minister we ever had in education should been the one to attach this title to him, but instead I don’t believe he is really happy about Mr. Garvey speaking out on this matter and he has failed to praise Mr. Garvey for his efforts. The Minister action in this matter makes me feel as if he wanted to hide Mr. Birbal’s dirt under the carpet, I wonder why? BP Carl Bethel could pray all he want for this matter to go away, but please keep this story fresh until there is some resolution, I understand that some of the victims tested positive with HIV, we must not forget what Birbal did and we must continue to speak out until Birbal and everyone who has tried to cover up this situation is held accountable. Bear in mind we only know about the boys at EMR, who know how many boys in other places have not come forward?

  36. This molestation story has a life of its own and gets worse by the day.It is time for a Commission of Enquiry into the educational system in Grand Bahama is conducted.Simeon Hall does not seem to be man enough to tackle this problem and nor are any other PREACHERS coming forward to address the issue.The shadow Minister for Education must come forward and suiggest to the Govt and public this nasty situation.The circumstances under which the criminal Birbal left the country must also be looked into as am reliably informed that all the young men who were used by Birbal have AIDS.I will refuse to listen to any religous service on TV or radio if this matter is not addressed.

  37. Thank almighty God for true fearless unsung heroes like Mr Garvey. I could only hope that Bahamas Press with all of its resources and international media connections push this story until human rights organizations get a hold of it. If we allow our children to become molested and polluted what does that say about the future of our country?

    I have yet but one question to ask again, who in this country has the power to dictate to the media what stories to run and which ones to slip under the cover? It has to be a minipulative, self centered, psychodynamic ice-sucking power hungry “it was a cressendo of voices that caused me to run again” pedophilic aider/abeter, “lea ma run da gobman by ma sef” freak!!!!!

    Word on the streets is Jack Hayward has the similar problems EMR school do… We need more Garvy’s in our country.. Without question he has revived the spirit of Sir Milo, an honorable Bahamian.
    We don’t need the House of Assembly to be filled with Liars(lawyers) we need people with the common appeal, who has a passion for the protection of innocent toddlers and the preservation of community; people whose integrity is indellible and beyond reproach…

    I remember well how a ZNS reporter was bamming on the doors of Shane Gibson’s office during the Ana Nicole saga.. Clint why aren’t you passionate about this story?? Yeah YOU Clint Watson!!!

    God is going to wash this country clean…. Money can’t stop it, HOOBUTT can’t stop it and definately political affiliation will not stop it…
    This incident should serve as a warning to all those who want to enter politics. Bahamians are not interested in amending our cultural beliefs. We do not support nor condone homosexuality… It is our God given right…. Further, we do not support nor condone Government ministry’s, or Government leaders providing safe haven to illicit activities such as child molestation….

    Please rest assured this issue will not die until Justice has been duly served…..

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