T&T Court of Appeal Justice Visits Grand Bahama



WELCOME – Senator the Hon. Katherine Forbes-Smith, Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister is pictured centre at the Grand Bahama International Airport on Thursday, March 6 as she welcomed Madame Justice Paula Mae Weekes to Grand Bahama.  Justice Weekes sits on the Court of Appeal in the Republic of Trinadad and Tobago. She travelled to Grand Bahama to attend the Discovery Retreat being sponsored by St. Jude’s Anglican Church. She travelled to Grand Bahama with four other delegates from Trinidad and Tobago. In total 27 delegates from Trinidad and Togago are due in Grand Bahama for the Retreat which gets underway March 7th – 9th. Pictured from left are:  Father Curtis Robinson, St. Jude’s Parish; Mrs. Willie Moss, Attorney; Mrs. Vernetta Calvin-Smith, T&T; Senator Forbes-Smith; Justice Weekes; Mrs. Patrica Adams, T&T; Mrs. Tressa Lawrence, T&T; and Major Horace Grannum, retired Defense Force officer from Trinidad and Tobago. (Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)