Turnquest, Russell & Thompson are CORRUPT, ‘VICKED’ and ARROGANT!


barb_04-copyNassau, Bahamas — CROOKED! And they can be described in no other way. They are CORRUPT, ‘VICKED’ and BLATANTLY ARROGANT! They too can join others on our list who we describe as being RATS HOLDING THE CHEESE. Monsters holding the cookie jar and in doing so broke the jar and raided all the cookies. This describes the actions of Tex Turnquest, Christopher Russell and Ronald Thompson.

The men we know while serving at the top of the land department abused their power and granted land to themselves. Even so, worse than that they appear all to show neither guilt nor remorse for their crooked deeds. HOW WICKED!

Tex Turnquest you would remember issued land to his wife then had the land flipped for profit and sold for millions. Hubert Ingraham fired the bastard and a local journalist, Paul Turnquest, is praised from Bahamas Press for breaking the story. However, that’s not all.

This week we saw two more LAND PEDDLERS appearing before the Land Committee. First up to Christopher Russell. He served in the department on two occasions and during his tenure granted his wife an acre of the people’s land, and guess what for? To build a retirement home. Interestingly, Russell also applied to the Land department for Crown Land. Guess what he told the committee his plans for the land would be? Yes, he also intended to build a retirement home. We call people like this ‘DA GREEDY’!

Then there was Ronald Thompson, the man who we at Bahamas Press begged a couple of months ago to stop messing with the janitors in the department of the environment. The lowlife can’t stop messing with those cleaning ladies. Thompson we know also applied for land through his brother in Abaco. The initial request was for over 20 acres. He eventually was granted 15 acres. Readers should know BP has more on this ‘cheese snatcher’. We know Thompson also have two leased lots at the Industrial Park site on Gladstone Road, yet to him that was not enough. We hope when all is said and done this ‘Cheese Snatcher’ is placed on Cay Labos where he could watch the lizards and coca plums. People like him should have been sent home LONGGGGGGGG AGO!

However, what makes these revelations so criminal is the fact that these are the men along with both Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie, who have STALLED the applications for land by residents for years, some going back as far as 1973, with the department never responding to the applications. Yet, these men and others all had their documents processed in less than 3 weeks. INCREDIBLE!

The Land Committee we believe should not stop there. Bahamas Press believes the time has come for the committee to question both shysters Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie. We believe they know even more about land selling/flipping than anyone questioned thus far. Case in point, the land invested to the Treasurer of the Bahamas, Norman’s Cay, was once operated by drug tainted Carlos Joe Lehder. In minutes of the 2007 election Ingraham transferred acres to the Holoweskos, who also like Tex Turnquest, flipped the land for million in profit. Ingraham ought to fire himself and take his ‘politically disabled’ brother with him. We understand more about this, and we believe the Committee’s job would not be complete without a subpoena of Christie and Ingraham.



  1. I thought you guys were going to report that A. Cargill of NIB also got land in Exuma along with Butler btothers Brian and Kevin of Commonwealth Bank all of them use to work to CIBC and was bragging about the amount of land they got some years ago.

  2. canesfins :Why the Normans Cay / Holowesko story was not a story when it happened I cant understand. I heard the profit was more like $20 million – I dont know what it was for sure though.


  3. Why the Normans Cay / Holowesko story was not a story when it happened I cant understand. I heard the profit was more like $20 million – I dont know what it was for sure though.

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