Twin Devils of Deception – Simply the BEST!


<<< They are joined at the HIP!

A survey taken by BP/Cardiff polling confirms 63% of the woman polled suggested if an election was called today they would support a PLP government. The FNM only collected 21% of those polled and 16% of the remaining women were undecided.

The news has shattered deep in the garrison of the Free National Movement. Souces in the FNM tell us, the news of this BP/Cardiff poll hits hard to the centre of the Party. “Carl Bethel is said to be shaking like a reed and the Rothmans cannot calm his mind,” the FNM source said.

We also know the poll is consistent with samples taken by the Party’s political strategist, Roy Boyke, several weeks ago.

“Our recent feedback on the ground in Marathon also has identified further casualties for the FNM. BP, we believe the time has come for our Party the call for CHANGE inside,” the source continued.


  1. Im a Independent… I’m not please with BOTH PARTIES. IF election was called today I dont know who I would vote for. I dont have no TRUST in either side and clearly WE NEED CHANGE AND QUICK. I DONT SEE NOT ONE PERSON WHO IS WILLING TO CHANGE this country.

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