Two caught stealing right in the yard of the police! And we believe this was not the first theft!


Will these two get off like the uncharged suspect in the Labour Day fatality of four women?

Two robbers caught attempting to steal parts off cars at the Police Drug Enforcement Unit. Will they be charged?

Nassau – If you think crime is really down like law enforcement says, you need to read this story and think again.

With all the crime and violence going unreported on the streets, this one BP could not resist.

Last night police caught these two right in the parking lot of DEU attempting to steal parts off one of the derelict vehicles on the property. Now imagine that! Thieves feel so numb to being caught, they have decided to steal right in the police yard. Now ya know it bad.

Constantly detectives are reporting how many residents are being ticketed, but nothing is being said about the tons of violent break-ins and robberies unfolding all across the country.

We ga say it again: Crime ain’t down – CRIME REPORTING IS!

We report yinner decide!