Nassau, Bahamas — Police are requesting the public’s help in solving the country’s latest homicides; Murders #274 and 275 since 2009.
The first homicide occurred shortly after 8:00pm on Friday night at the rear of a residence situated on Rock Crusher Road. Gunned down is
Anthro AKA BEANO KNOWLES age 36. Preliminary reports indicate that a group of men were playing a game of Dominos, when they were approached by a gunman who fired several shots at them. One of the men succumbed to injuries received on the scene, while another male is detained in hospital in stable condition suffering from gunshot injuries received.
The second homicide occurred shortly before 10:00pm on Friday 5th August, 2011 at Alexandria Boulevard located in Nassau Village.
Preliminary reports indicate that a male was standing in front of a building on Alexandria Boulevard, when he was approached by a gunman, who fatally shot him several times about the body. The victim was pronounced dead on the scene by EMS personnel. Bahamas Press confirms this victim to be alias BKU.
Police are investigating and are appealing to members of the public who may have any information regarding these two homicides, to contact them at 911, 919, the CENTRAL DETECTIVE UNIT at 502- 9991, 502-9910 or CRIME STOPPERS at 328-TIPS.
Shortly after 7:00pm on Friday 5th August, 2011 officers from the Mobile Division, while on patrol, acting on information, went to bushes in the Florida Court area, where they discovered two unlicensed shotguns.
Police are actively investigating the discovery of both firearms.
I’m not a fan of PLP nor FNM, but stop placing blame on government, the government don’t raise our kids, we do! If you want change to happen then make it happen n stop complaining about what the government isnt doing. GET OF YA *** N MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN, STOP TALKING N DO SOMETHING. Dont place trust in man (government) place trust in God, n he will lead you in the right path. Crime is high and there are many things that could be done to lower the crime rate but WE the PEOPLE have to be involved to and not only the government.
High five to “LOVE MY COUNTRY”. Only in Nassau
This fella look like he use to lay his azz off full stretch in his mar house all dam day. And when he got tired of laying and eating he go play-up a game of dominoes. I am willing to bet nickles to dollars that some gal had 5 to 8 kids for him.
Why these grown azz men don’t put man-head on they body and be f…kn responsible, instead of being a dam public spectacle and a gaddam nuisance. This fella can’t pose for 3 seconds without taking a sip of rum.
Trust me, the muddas of these fellas gun pay a serious serious price when they stand before the Saviour to give account.
Im sick and tired of people saying crime is high in the Bahamas…Crime and murder is high in Nassau ONLY, The island i live on, we haven’t had a murder in years, arm robbery what is that, rape, house breaking, stealing metals them things don’t happen here, im not saying it can’t but it don’t….So please stop saying crime is high in the bahamas, its high in Nassau….
Well gee!!!! Whatever “crime free” island you live on is still a part of THE BAHAMAS and so when giving statistics of THE BAHAMAS, all is included. Its not Nassau (New Providence), its not Grand Bahama, its not Eleuthera, etc. It is THE BAHAMAS. Same way if something good happens in Nassau, it is THE BAHAMAS. ‘Nuff said.
now this is scary no commenting we than used to the out off control murders wow!!.
It seems like the Bahamian young men are quickly becoming an endangered species in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas at this rate.
Lord help our Country! to much killings, but what and why are our children involved in such horrific acts are they lost, looking for Love the courts need to change the child support act. just putting money to the court thats it the father dont check for the children no Love, no guidance, no protection, no father figure. So who is there for these young children growing into angry young men. The father should be made by the courts to spend time with their children they made them, not the government.Most Bahamain Father are a disgrace to men How could you bring a child into this world and turn your back like they don’t exist,they did’nt ask to be here you should be held responsible. they children/young men are angry………… Lord help them and deal with those ballsless FATHERS/DONORS
You do not cast the blame on the fathers the mothers are part of this. They want to hold on to these young men bayb sit them feed them and take care of them until they are forty pluss. You need to let them go and let them be man. They are responsible for their own actions. they are 18 years old and call themself man. So turn them loose and let them go.
when are we going to realize that until the powers that be get up off their lazy asses and stop looking for somebody to blame then we are always going to have a problem but it seems to me that they dont care because its not affecting them in anyway i know some of these guys may not be angels but nobody deserves to be shot down like an animal who is next?me?you?brother?sister?mother?father?aunt?uncle?
What’s going on in this little town,& they want to say dont blame the goverment,most of the murders that are happening right now is money related,ing-rum dosen’t care about us. No jobs, no money = murders.
To Mr. Sammy: First of all its people like you who don’t respect authority, Its. Hon. Hubert Ingraham not ing-rum to you sir. If we teach or children to respect others and authority we won’t be in this mess we in, Government can’t make people work if they don’t want to work. They want job but they have no skill,training or education but they want to start at the top. They say they aint working for minimum wage.they killing cause they have no home training and Love from Parents mostly(Father’s) who leave and never look back.some the mother cant even say who the dad is these yung people angry it start in the home(RESPECT, LOVE,EDUCATION,)
maryjane!! you maybe a ing-rum ass sucker!! but don’t exspect us to be the same when this man cuss out leon williams and robin hood where were you?? let me guess sucking ing-rum ass!! it is people like y’all who can see the chit this so called PM diong. all y”all see is red bunch of maxi pads.
Wizard…even though i am not an Ing-rum woman, remember it is a sickness. Lets pray for him to get well so we could beat him good and send him in retirement. We cant afford for him to go right now, just the thought of Brent or Tommy being prime minister makes me vomit. It is bad enough with ing-rum but his days are numbered as PM. Let’s pray for his health and strenght.
that’s true. i wish him well..
Respect brings respect. Fool.
God help us all. Help us make the right decisions and learn to love one another.
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