Two conch vendors robbed and one stabbed at popular Fish Fry Saturday


arawakClick here to listen to a Report on ZNS covering the stabbing of a deaf teen on friday and the US Embassy concerns to crime

Bahamas Press is reporting a day of slaughter and robbery at the popular local hangout, The Fish Fry. We can now confirm two conch vendors were robbed with one victim left suffering from serious stab wounds to the neck.

We understand early this afternoon two men came up to a local vendor and ordered a $35 bag of conch salad. Eyewitnesses tell us both customers after collecting their conch salad refused to pay. It was then when the vendor followed the men asking for his money we understand an outright brawl ensued. It was then when – in broad daylight – one of the men accosted the vendor and the other robbed him of an undetermined amount of cash striking him to the ground and then stabbed him in the neck. The victim was rushed to the Princess Margaret Hospital where he’s listed is stable condition.

A second conch vendor at Fish Fry was accoutered and robbed. News coming to BP tells us the second robbery attack on a vendor took place as the victim was walking along the popular hangout. It was then when a man approached the vendor and demanded cash. The robber fled with an undetermined amount of cash. The victim, however, was not harm in that incident.


  1. CCTV is like having an insurance policy. It’s something you have, in hopes that you never need it. And yet if you need it, you wished you had it. I got caught with my pant’s down because i was one of those small businesses that just could not justify spending $1400 on a CCTV Security System, because i felt it was too much. But hindsight is 20/20. Because i suffered a break in that nearly cost me my business. My advice is spend a reasonable amount on a good system and it will pay for its self in no time. FYI i got my system from the good guys at CCTvBoSS. They spend over an hour with me on the phone asking all the right questions, resulting in a system that was perfect for me and within my budget. Give them a try. You can tell I’m a fan.

  2. Russell Johnson :@LIZARD Barry Major was an FNM operative in 1972 was part of a group that burnt and vandalised properties of PLP supporters.He was dissatisfied with p;ay and had threatemned to go to the Police.It is then alleged that some of the Leadership in the FNM made the famous quote,”you know what to do”.He turned up dead in Perpall Tract and evidence later adduced found that he was dragged behind a car then shot point blank.Many FNM supporters were on the Murder scene and later testified.Barry Thompson gave a very incriminating statement alleging that the order for the Murder came from the top heirarchy of the FNM party.This was copied from Carrolls summation ,”My first cousin was sent to the gallows for that murder, but he left a note, implicating the then leadership of the FNM for giving him the orders to kill the young man.For your continued edification you can go to the archives and get copies of newspaper printings of the trial.The HOA also has copies of statements given to the Police that speak of the violence perpetrated by the banditos.Thanks for asking but thats what we older folks are here for to fill in the blanks.

    Thank you Sir (history 101)I will definaltey check this out it has piqued my interest

  3. @LIZARD
    Barry Major was an FNM operative in 1972 was part of a group that burnt and vandalised properties of PLP supporters.He was dissatisfied with p;ay and had threatemned to go to the Police.It is then alleged that some of the Leadership in the FNM made the famous quote,”you know what to do”.He turned up dead in Perpall Tract and evidence later adduced found that he was dragged behind a car then shot point blank.Many FNM supporters were on the Murder scene and later testified.Barry Thompson gave a very incriminating statement alleging that the order for the Murder came from the top heirarchy of the FNM party.This was copied from Carrolls summation ,”My first cousin was sent to the gallows for that murder, but he left a note, implicating the then leadership of the FNM for giving him the orders to kill the young man.
    For your continued edification you can go to the archives and get copies of newspaper printings of the trial.The HOA also has copies of statements given to the Police that speak of the violence perpetrated by the banditos.Thanks for asking but thats what we older folks are here for to fill in the blanks.

  4. @Raah
    Rememeber my description of you?Now you have proven me right in less than 24 hrs.Go back to bed and let the hangover wear off.


    Well said as some on this site say they only want to know about 1992 and the present.I still remember the echoes from that gruesome Murder of Barry Major .”you know what to do”.Come next gen elects we all know what we will do.

  7. Tommy talking about he know the whereabouts of his children. What the whereabouts of his children has to do with fighting this crime problem? That is not helping the situation, unless they planning on locking up some of these parents for child endangerment and negligence and then taking care the children, I don’t see the need to bring it up, because parents aint just start neglecting their children, they being doing that for ages. What I would like to know, what are Tommy plans for dealing with crime? I mean that’s all well and good that he is aware of the whereabouts of his children and they sound like they is be safe with him checking on them all the time. When you look at it, I know their daddy is the Minister for National Security, so I expect for him to try and make sure they straight and I don’t hold that against him, but what about the rest of us?

  8. I told you’ll that there is a curse following the Free National Movement since 1972. During that election campaign, the leadership of that violent party ordered the burnings of suspected PLP owned business houses. They also ordered the killing of that young man at perpall track. My first cousin was sent to the gallows for that murder, but he left a note, implicating the then leadership of the FNM for giving him the orders to kill the young man. This was the first time in our history that violence was introduced in our election campaigns. Except they repent, they shall all likewise perish. The curse will remain until someone in the leadership of that party take the initiative to repent to the nation, for the sins of their party’s forefathers. Even The conch vendors will not be safe until repentance is made.

  9. Dear BP and the readers of this blog,

    In the midst of the greatets economic upheaval and crime scourge in the history of this country, I ask you these question

    Where is the PM?

    Why is he so quiet?

    Why so invisible?

    Mr Ingraham, where is your government’s response to crime?

    Mr Ingraham where is your government’s response to the recession?

    The country is in a state of fear because of crime and in a state of uncertainty because of the economy. Where is the reassurance from the PM? Where is the leader of the nation and why isnt he trying to encourage, inspire and bring a sense of calm to the country?

    Many of you watch American news and see the President of the US almost every several days giving a press conference or an interview on the the media networks. Pres Obama is giving another national address on Tuesday? How many interviews or national address has the PM given to reassure his people since he took office and the recession took hold?

    Where is HUBERT ALEXANDER INGRAHAM? Where is his message of hope and calm? We all know he doesnt have a magic wand or all the answers, but as the leader, your people are frighten and in a state of uncertainty. This is not the time for him to be silent, quiet or go on vacation. He needs to be visible now more than ever.

    Ya know they say Mr Ingraham is decisive. Well, where is his decisive decisions on the economy and crime? Where are your decisive decisions on education? Where are your decisive decisions on Immigration? Where are they? Mr Ingraham decisively removed Mr Bethel from being Minister of Education and placed him as party chair. He was so decisive that Mr Bethel and the two men running for party chair (Ivone Ingraham and John Lee Ferguson) were not even aware of Mr Ingraham’s plan. Why cant we get some of that decisiveness now with crime, the economy, education and immigration?

    To me it looks like the PM suddenly got a case of indecisiveness. But shhhhh, dont tell the media that HAI is taking long to make decisions and put forth a plan of any kind for any of the issues the country faces right now. As far as they are concerned, he is doing the best he can. Meanwhile another man is murdered, another woman raped, another child goes to school in a dilapidated building which is overcrowded to be taught by stressed out teachers, etc.

    Mr Prime Minister, come out from hiding. Face your people. Tells us your plans. We need that “decisiveness” now more than ever, but funny how your only decisive during a campaign and when your governing your a lot more deliberate.

    For being less absent and deliberate they called PC indecisive, what should we call Mr Ingraham?

  10. this is what happens when people are hungry relative deprivation sets in and explosion of violence why would people do such a ting and a whole police station right there this government aint serious the trend is in they face and they cant see the criminal element is hyped for xmas and as there is high unemployment there is empathy in the massess beef up the patrols and stop talkin and pay the police fah their work and stop the talk

  11. @LIZARD
    Hi Girlfriend, you brought up a valid point, because I forgot they even have a police station out there. It should be like nothing for them to keep that area under heavy police patrol. If these criminals were in fear of them, that would be like the last place they would go to start up any problems. Like you say, they have the police dem for jokes.

  12. @Altec Altec, you hit the nail on the head, Branville gets the credit for doing what?, whatever he gets credit for, he gets it, it is perception, the media embraces him, WHY?, Hubert is truly the Min of National SQ, but Tommy carries the title and is the fall guy, Hubert makes all the decision and we all know that, so what goes right or wrong in this country is his responsibility, the PM needs to get serious on crime and stop building up his special interest friends, the news media seems to not like Tommy to much, but they love Hubert, that’s why they will not put the blame where it truly lies, the really bad part is that these criminals are going after the poor inner city people and not those who are well of, where is our protection?, ……….and the perception that PC was indecisive campaign started May, 3rd, 2002.

  13. @Russell Johnson
    Russell, i will restate what i have said on another post: What Tommy T dont get is people dont blame him for the crime rate, people blame him for the lack of response. Rightly or wrongly, the perception exist that his respose has been non existent.

    What do i want Toomy to do? stop doing what he is doing now because it obviously isnt helping. Secodnly, take a page out of Branville Mcartney public relations book and pretend as if your doing something even though your not. Go ride around with police officers one night (make sure the cameras are rolling), do impromptu visits to police stations (make sure the cameras are rolling and dont forget to let the police know your coming), get in a public spat with the AG (its high time someone else share some of the blame).

    What hurt the PLP in 2007 was the perception that the FNM created of PC being indecisive. The FNM and Tommy now has the same problem as it relates to crime. The perception is that this FNM government and the Min of National Security doesnt know what to do and rather than try something they are paraylized by the fear of trying something and it backfires when election fever is in the air.

    The PM and the Tommy T will not do anything significant. Its to big a gamble.

  14. Kim Sands :Considering that Fish Fry is a very busy place and an area where a lot of families and tourists’ frequent; one would think there should be police out there like scornful. So, were the police able to catch all these heartless criminals? If not, then why? Don’t tell me Tommy and the commissioners them aint had that area properly secure and they know it coming towards the Christmas people looking for places to go and they know a lot of tourists is be over here around this time of the year . If they didn’t have sufficient police out there, well yeah, I think Tommy and the police them should be arrested.

    The sad thing is that there is a police staition right out there, but i guess they all went to the police ball or something…..One may say that the police can’t be everywhere but my thing is if you have a police stationed out there and with the esculation of crime one would think that they would be parolling the area even more right?….policing tactics needs to be beefed up cause these criminal got the police for a joke…..

  15. The warning was for everyone to stay indoos until Monday bcos wannabe leader Tuommy T is now acting PM.I have seen no extra security measures taken and it appears that the lameduck COP will ruin the country further before he retires.All of the religious Leaders are quiet so obviously they are getting handouts.Robberies at Fish fry?now we have nowhere else to go whil;e inept and incompetent persons display callousness.Whoever is in charge must take responsibility for Crime and if it takes harsh criticism to bring them out of their comfort zone like is now happening with URBAN RENEWAL then so be it. All of this delay in naming the next COP is only adding to the drama and assisting criminals who again realise the distractions.Any Govt in power must take responsibility for our dilemma and no spin doctors will chamge this correct mindset.I challenge anyone to take a tour of the touristic areas and see how many Policemen you see.Am certain the acting PM has not done so as he only responds after the fact.

  16. Considering that Fish Fry is a very busy place and an area where a lot of families and tourists’ frequent; one would think there should be police out there like scornful. So, were the police able to catch all these heartless criminals? If not, then why? Don’t tell me Tommy and the commissioners them aint had that area properly secure and they know it coming towards the Christmas people looking for places to go and they know a lot of tourists is be over here around this time of the year . If they didn’t have sufficient police out there, well yeah, I think Tommy and the police them should be arrested.

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