Two illegal weapons seized – 13 arrested by mobile division officers during 48 hours period


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Two illegal weapons seized

Nassau, Bahamas – Consistent with the Commissioner’s Policing Priorities for 2017, police took two more illegal guns of the streets of New Providence in separate incidents on Saturday 12th August 2017.

In the first incident shortly after 7:00pm, Selective Enforcement Team officers acting on information went to an area in Yellow Elder, where they found a Browning Pistol with 4 rounds of ammunition hidden in an old stove. No one was arrested for this find.

Then shortly before 9:00pm, Selective Enforcement Team officers were on routine patrol on Augusta Street near Bola Alley, when they saw two suspicious men in an unfinished building. The two men on seeing the officers fled on foot. The officers gave chase but were unable to catch the men. The officers conducted a search of the building and found a 9 – millimeter handgun with 2 rounds of ammunition.

13 arrested by mobile division officers during 48 hours

Consistent with the Commissioner’s Policing Priorities for 2017, Mobile Division targeted patrols intended to reduce crime, and to minimize the ability for criminals to commit criminal activities, has resulted in the arrest of thirteen (13) persons during the past 48 hours for, possession of dangerous drugs and outstanding court warrants. Additionally 76 drivers were ticketed for various traffic violations.

Police are appealing to the public to share information on any illegal/suspicious activities in their communities, no matter how small or insignificant (the tip) may seem, members of the public are urged to anonymously contact the police at 919 or crime stoppers at 328-tips (8477) (New Providence) or 1-242-300-8476 (Family Islands)

WEEKLY PREVENTION CRIME TIP – If a crime occurs – report it!

Everyone should consider it his/her responsibility to report crime. Many criminals target favorite areas and have predictable methods of operation. When you report all the facts about a crime, it helps the police assign officers in the places where crimes are occurring or where they are most likely to occur. If you don’t report crime, this allows the criminal to continue to operate without interference.

In many cases, it is the information provided by victims and witnesses that leads to the arrest of a criminal. So tell the police as much as you can; no fact is too trivial. The police need the eyes and ears of all citizens.