Two men fined for punching and holding a man down until police arrived following a fender bender!


NASSAU| If you believe Covid-19 is a risk, try driving on the streets of the capital and follow this story.

Errol Knowles and Charles Sweeting, Jr. were charged with punching one Obeltau Pierre after a small accident occurred on Baillou Hill Road.

The men claimed that Pierre exited his vehicle “with animosity” and they had to physically restrain him until police arrived on the scene.

Well, after pleading guilty to the charge Magistrate Samuel McKinney ordered the men to pay Pierre $150 each or face three months in Fox Hill.

He ordered the men to keep the peace for the next six months or face an additional $500 fine or three months in prison.

We at BP wonder three things in this case: Who was in the wrong? Why did the men have to hold Pierre down if they were in the wrong? What happened to physical distancing?

What a country!

We report yinner decide!