Two Royal Bank Palmdale Branch Cage Tellers Arrested Yesterday


rbc-arrestNassau, Bahamas — Breaking news now happening confirmed two cage tellers at the Royal Bank of Canada Palmdale branch have been taken into police custody.

BP sources deep within the bowels of the branch tell us that an investigation for the past month at the branch confirm that some $106,000 has gone missing out of the RBC running account.

“We have a serious system that is able protect and the bank and its clients from such persons who sit inside our walls and here again we see our system working,” a branch investigator told BP.

The tellers we’ve learned will not be the only ones brought before the courts this week. BP has learned the the bank’s internal investigation unit also proved that some senior officers are also involved with the inside heist and their arrest will follow.

Bahamas Press can also confirm one of the tellers, who name we will protect, was planning an elaborate wedding for this fall. The reception we understand was to be hosted at the exclusive Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island. However, it appears that those wedding plans will stall following the teller’s arrest on yesterday.


  1. @Dibbles

    too like “teef” i have no sympathy at all for her cause i work too hard for my money, even cant sleep at nights where i so tired cause i work so hard, put my money in da bank so she could “teef” it PUT HER HIP UNDA DA JAIL!!! OR LOST HER DER

  2. @rayray

    That’s why employees continue to steal, because the banks trying to protect their own image and these people are moving on to other financial institutions doing the same thing repeatedly. They need to stop playing with these people and press charges and publish their names and photo in the local news papers. So everybody could know who these people are. Employees stealing from their employers have nothing to do with me, just once they have my monies when I get there and everything is correct that‘s all I care about.

  3. hmmmm i wonder if this is real, the truth is bank employees have been stealing and getting caught for. years(i know a couple). Usually what they do is have the court order them to pay it back, mostly because the bank doesn’t want the public to get the impression that their money isn’t safe. i wouldn’t read too deeply into this cause it actually happens more often than you think.

  4. BP do you have the pictures of the two person’s? accused of stealing .I might know one of them.The thing about it is some of the females act so important,like their s… don’t stink.

  5. Thieving is bad on the whole, but I could relate to you more, if you move the people monies, because you were in some deep financial troubles for instances like losing your home or something, but when you are willing to steal just to go and have some fun, I think they need to lost your *** in jail.

  6. I know one of the persons who were recently caught at RBC; they live right across the street from my mother’s home. They just had a very elaborate birthday party and then it was followed by a seven day cruise with their friends, which I heard they paid for all the tickets.

  7. I remember one time I was assisting with a job fair for a hotel and we were interviewing people and a lady was just getting ready to sit at my table for me to interview her and one of the other persons who were doing interviews along with me whispered in my ears, not to waste my time with her, because she knew her from over by Crystal Palace and she was fired for stealing meat. Well you know my interview with her was very brief.

  8. Times are so tough and plenty people can‘t even afford to pay their bills or their children school fee and if you been keeping up with the Jones, I know you must be really feeling it right now, but don’t allow the Devil to tempted you to fool with the people money. If you know you can’t trust yourself to be around the monies and your fingers keep itching to take some of it, pray about it and please ask them if they could move you to another area in the company where you will not be tempted to go and do foolishness. Think about it if you get caught you might have to do some serious jail time and if you have children that’s even worst you will not be much help to them from behind bars. Not to mention you will be destroying your reputation and once you get out of jail it might be very difficult to get a job, because you know how people are quickly to forgive, but they can’t forget.

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