Two snack food operators inside the Education complex on University Drive have tested positive for COVID19!

Ministry of Education Youth Sports and Culture Headquarters on University Drive.

NASSAU| Two more individuals employed inside the Ministry of Education/ Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture complex on University Drive have contracted the Covid 19 virus. 

Both individuals sell an array of snack food items to busy employees inside the complex on a daily basis. This means a number of workers in the building have engaged the pair.

One of the workers is listed as critical in hospital. The other is recovering at home. Now if BP was BP today we would have posted the names of the persons but that would not be kind to them. So I will behave today.

The government has decided to close down that section of the complex and have that area cleaned. 

BP warns all persons to continue to sanitize themselves, wear their mask and stay physically distanced especially from these clubbers and junkanooers (THEY LOVE COVID)!

Anyway, we thought we should let you know this. 

We report yinner decide!