Two students at C. V. Bethel stabbed multiple times as school went on lockdown and police were called in…


Nassau| A C.V. Bethel 10th grader was left clinging to life after being stabbed multiple times about the body while on campus.

The incident unfolded just after 11 am this morning, forcing a special unit of the RBPF to speed to the scene.

The young boy stabbed is said to be related to crime-boss Stephen Die Stubbs, who is now serving time in prison. He was the worst of the two victims in the stabbing, being stabbed in the head, the neck and in the upper body. His upper body was soaked entirely in blood following the incident. 

The other 10th grader, who is said to have attempted to stop the fight, was also stabbed twice. And a security officer on the scene had to pick up an object in order to avoid also being attacked by the 11th grader who initiated the violence.

Now the row is said to have started on the campus between two of the Haitian Gangs in the country, and it spun out of control, attracting outsiders to the campus after news of the incident quickly spread. 

We are learning that C.V. Bethel went on lockdown for the remainder of the day, only allowing a short 15-minute lunch break period between the different 9th, 10th and 11th graders.

We are learning that the most seriously stabbed victim had recently returned to school after months of not attending school.

We report yinner decide.