Two teachers in big fight at C. V. Bethel send Senior Master to hospital!

Minister of Education Hon. Jeffery Lloyd.

NASSAU| Two educators at the C. V. Bethel Senior High School created high drama on Wednesday after they – in front of students – began displaying their ghetto behavior of violence and disrespect towards each other.

BP, having a ringside seat, can report educators Ms Wells – the sister of a high-ranking Cabinet Minister Renward Wells – and Ms Rolle got into a severe exchange of words, then into a fight on campus this week. The fight was over a $7 phone charger that went missing and belonged to the Cabinet Minister’s sister.

Just after 8:30 am Wells bust into the classroom of Rolle, hurling all kinds of allegations against her for the disappearance of a phone charger, right in front of students. The chaos continued until 3 pm when Wells walked into the classroom of Rolle – but this time – went into the personal bag of Rolle and began trashing items all over the place.

At that time, Senior Master attempted to part the women’s fight that had escalated into a hair /weave pulling display of anger between the two educators. In the end, the Senior Master had to be taken to hospital after sustaining injuries after getting caught in the middle of the skirt raising g-string exposing fight. He is out of the office on bed rest for the rest of the week. What a time!

Meanwhile, Principal of the School, Ms Princess Fox, appeared unmoved by the incident, only cautioning the teachers to behave themselves. WELL, WHAT IS THIS? The Senior Master [with his injured self] is left in shock after learning that no punishment will follow, as a result, the shameful disgraceful violent ordeal.

Look what education has descended to in The Bahamas!

C.V. Bethel sits within the South Beach constituency of the Minister for Education Jeffrey Lloyd. What will now be done with the instigators of violence on the campus of C.V. Bethel? The matter was communicated by Union President Belinda Wilson – but like Houdini – she too is missing in action!

We report yinner decide!