Two women charged in fire to cover up $41k theft


NASSAU| A 28-year-old sales clerk at 700 Wines and Spirts has been accused of stealing more than $40,000 from her employer, as well as planning a fire to cover up her crimes.

The May 20 fire destroyed the plaza that houses 700 Wines, the National Insurance Board, McKinney’s Grocery Store and several vehicles.

Former liquor store worker Alexis Williams, of Lovely Bay, Acklins, (shown in the grey leggings and coral top)and her friend Peaches Hanna, (in black tam) are accused of conspiracy to commit stealing and arson and receiving on May 19.

Prosecutors allege that Williams stole $41, 254.29 between April 8, 2021 and May 20, 2021. Police allegedly recovered $22,500 of that.

Hanna is charged as an accessory after the fact after she allegedly set the fire in a bid to conceal the theft.

Prosecutors say that Hanna, 21, torched the plaza that housed 700 Wines and Spirits and caused $500,000 in damage to the building.

She’s accused of destroying $89,168 in inventory belonging to 700 Wines and ruining $70,000 in inventory from McKinney’s Grocery Store.

She’s further accused of destroying equipment belonging to the National Insurance Board, valued at $35,609.90

Hanna is accused of destroying a 2016 Toyota Hilux truck, worth $47,995, the property of NIB, and a 2010 Nissan Caravan, worth $8,000, the property of Jacqueline Simms.

The pair were not required to enter pleas to the charges when they appeared before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt and were denied bail.

They return to court on August 25.