URCA give final approval of merger between SRG and Cable Bahamas


Nassau, Bahamas — URCA has today issued its final adjudication in accordance with Section 75(1)(a) of the Communications

Act (Comms Act), that the proposed merger between CBL and SRG would not be likely to have the adverse effects as set out in Section 72 of the Comms Act, and therefore URCA has given its consent to the proposed merger.

On September 7, 2010, CBL and SRG executed a Share Purchase Agreement, subject to regulatory approval by URCA, for the purchase by CBL of the entire issued share capital in SRG, which purchase will result in a change in the control of SRG from its current owners, to CBL.

Part XI of the Comms Act sets out the competition provisions that apply to the electronic communications sector. Under Section 70 of the Comms Act, no change in control of a licensee can be implemented without obtaining the prior written approval of URCA. Both CBL and SRG are licensees under the Comms Act.

On September 17, 2010, CBL and SRG jointly submitted a Full Merger Notification Form (with accompanying documents) to URCA in compliance with the Comms Act seeking URCA’s approval of the proposed acquisition. URCA published a Notice of its receipt of the merger Notification on its website on September 20, 2010 inviting representations from interested parties to the proposed merger. URCA has received comments from interested parties and the public in respect of the proposed merger which have been reviewed and considered.

As a result of a preliminary assessment of the representations received, URCA determined that the proposed merger raised certain potential competition concerns that merited an in-depth investigation.

This was communicated to CBL and SRG on November 5, 2010 and a Notice to this effect was published on the URCA website on November 8, 2010.

During the investigation, URCA collected additional information from the Parties necessary to assess the competitive effects of the proposed merger. The information submitted by the Parties during the indepth investigation has been considered by URCA.


  1. I wouldn’t call something that the powers to be made sure didn’t happen as a missed opportunity. It is more of manipulation for personal benefit by the pirates in charge. Sorry, this entire thing stinks. Foreigners will be enriched – once again – at the expense of the Bahamian. Also, Cable Bahamas has already shown how lawless they are by selling stolen signals and URCA does NOTHING about it. It’s no wonder. The head of URCA is busy carving up the telecommunications industry for foreign elements. Listen carefully to the other licenses Mr. Sadat approves. Bahamians have no real clue about the extent of the wealth made on their backs for the foreign element. Nothing against foreigners but why is it that they are the only ones this government thinks should benefit in this country? That, for me, is a real issue.

  2. This is great news!

    It is an added plus for both companies. Phone calls via the internet have been a great alternative to the land line services of BTC. It is also a reflection of the ‘missed opportunities’ by BTC….

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