VAT: Continued Registration


VAT PSA 17 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir,

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to get the message out. VAT Registration continues. I was so up in arms when I finally got my documents together and discovered that I did not make the deadline. For sure I thought I would have to find the whopping $25,000.00 fine.

I called in to the VAT Registration office to plead my case expecting to be told that I had to come in as soon as possible to pay my fine, but instead a very nice person told me that I still had a chance to register and escape paying that fine. I dealt with my registration right away.

So the reason for writing this letter is to inform all my colleagues in the business community that they still had a chance to register without paying the fine. The government very thoughtful to do this because people like me just didn’t get sorted out in time for the Nov. 30th deadline.

Good job Bahamas government!!!

Yours etc

Peter Kelly

PSA 18 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.