VAT Is Here: The Return of E.J. Bowe


Mr. E. J. Bowe

Dear Sir,

I am pleased with the government’s decision to bring back Mr. E.J. Bowe to head up the Price Control Commission. I have full confidence that Mr. Bowe will NOT let any greedy merchant slip up and try to deceive consumers by overcharging VAT on items.

E.J. Bowe has proven himself, yesteryear, as a watchdog for the consumers of The Bahamas. As we can see by watching the news, he has returned with the same proverbial keen nose that he had then to sniff out greedy price gougers. Price gouging was one of the greatest fears that Bahamians had as it pertains to the implementation of VAT.

So have no fear, Bahamians!! E.J. Bowe is here!! There are going to be plenty problems for anyone who thinks they are above the law and decides to hike up prices beyond 7.5% VAT add on or just hike prices to ridiculous proportions in general.

I am proud of our government and proud to be Bahamian.

Yours etc.

Renee Smith

VAT PSA 14 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

PSA 18 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.