Vessels continue to smuggle drugs, guns and humans


Who in the country is monitoring this illegal action taking place in Nassau Harbour.

These vessels have oftain been found trafficking drugs, and weapons. They have caused dead bodies to be found floating in the harbour or washed ashore. Human feces have also washed ashore where children and tourist play on the beaches nearby. The vessels have also been caught smuggling human where on one occasion they attempted to run into a Defense Force vessel when it was ordered to anchor for an unexpected inspection. All this continue to occur with these vessels acting as a great ‘terror threat’ to mega cruise ships that dock at Woods Rogers Wharf.

Thousands of American and Bahamian lives are at a threat all because of a failure to protect the harbour from these vessels that enter it nightly, just after midnight.

For years, NO LEADER IN THE BAHAMAS WOULD ADDRESS THIS PROBLEM! WHY? What could this man be off loading in the hight of the day?


  1. Many of you would be quite surprised to know who owns these sloops…quite surprise!.

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