Victim in that Dunmore Lane shooting dies in hospital…


Homicide #41 in Bain Town – Three murdered in four days!

Live scenes from that homicide in Dunmore Lane Wednesday evening…

BP BREAKING| Homicide #41 is being reported right now following that Dunmore Lane, Bain Town shooting this evening.

As we shared earlier in video on social media the victim was enjoying an outdoor experience when a silver Honda Fit pulled up in front of his residence and open fire on the male victim and another man. That 21 year old male victim was shot in the chest and then rushed to hospital via a private vehicle. He has since died.

We warn residents sitting and hanging outside to do so with extreme caution. To do so is a high and dangerous risk these days.

As crime continues to go down – according to police – we say crime reporting is down.

Not one statement on this breaking news has been reported to the press by police. Not even a check the hospital note we we work 24hours. What is dis?

We report yinner decide!