Michael Pintard, Duane Sands and the Secretary General Serfret Rolle have now destroyed the FNM Democratic Process!

NASSAU | Troubling is brewing BIGTIME inside the FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT as the party heads to convention on June 1st.
Information now confirms branch delegates are being padded in Associations with persons supporting Leader Michael Pintard while persons who were heading branches supporting former PM Hubert Minnis are being kicked off as voting delegates.
Bahamas Press has discovered the egregious, unlawful actions, which proves that the party led by Michael Pintard, Duane Sands and the Secretary General Serfret Rolle will meddle and destroy the democratic process of elections! Is this what the FNM has come to? Is this what Bahamians find acceptable in elections? How could yinner trust these people to run a country if they are willing to destroy the tenets of free and fair elections right in the FNM?
In the Community of North Andros and the Berry Islands a number of voting delegates who support Hubert Minnis and served in the Association have been dropped-kicked and replaced by persons who support Michael Pintard; After the close of nominations!
Branville McCartney in a presser today warned developments are disturbing and serious. He noted that much of the padding only was discovered after former Prime Minister Minnis wrote the party exposing the behaviour of the officers. THIS IS SERIOUS!
Further to this, over the weekend a senior FNM telephoned some former supporters of Hubert Ingraham, who are now PLP supporters and no longer FNMs, to ask them to join the Pintard Sands voting blocks. WHAT IS THIS?!
If the process is corrupted, perhaps it is now time for the real owners of the FNM to step in and rescue the Party from absolute destruction. Perhaps the time has come to call for the removal of Pintard, Sands and ROLLE who will now deliver the FNM into a cesspool of CORRUPTION in the eyes of the world!
Save the FNM before it is too late! Or maybe this is what is needed for a PLP second term in office.
Association Chairman in North Andros and Berry say she did not resign as being suggested!