Dear BP,
It is a crying shame how many temporary workers were left out in the cold before this outgoing government was gone.
I have a relative who works at the Symonette Post Office, and has been on the 52 week program from June.
Lying Brensil Rolle stated in Parliament how persons on the program will be made permanent and pensionable by the Government. It is now a September to remember and those workers are still waiting on that lying outgoing Minister to confirm the staff.
Save for, Kazia Robinson, the sister of Bains and Grant’s Town MP sister – also started the program in 2016 with many others is the only one who received her letter in the Post Office on Wednesday confirming her hire.
The rest of the staff are confused, angry and frustrated and don’t know what to do. It’s evident that the FNM MPs are only looking out for their Friends, Family and Lovers.
Thanks BP for your platform. You keep us informed and yes you are doing plenty to get our frustrations out to the world! “IT’S A NEW DAY!”
Signed,An angry voter