More workers FIRED AT Hutchison today!!
Freeport, GB — This must be the picture of the week: hundreds of voters lined up in single file, a line that went out the door, around the barricades and around the Kendal G. L. Isaac Building. People are ‘pissin’ mad and cannot wait to FIRE the FNM Government.
One woman in the crowd began to sing the song in her Baptist homiletic voice “Nobody knows da trouble I see….” The chorus is resonating among voters who have seen the worst five years in the history of the country.
Mass unemployment, crime and a broken, bankrupt public purse has hit Bahamians like a rock out of hell.
“Failure!” one woman shouted on the line to the top of her voice as if she was scolding a child who returned home with a D report card.
“There is no question the Free National Movement Government has wrecked the Bahamas! I believe that with all my heart,” one woman collecting her voter’s card said. “We trusted them, but they didn’t believe in us,” she added as she softly brushed the photo on her card.

Bahamas Press believes the defeat of the FNM will be worse than any previous election held in the country in recent memory.
Meanwhile at Ground Zero [Grand Bahama], which has felt the economic decay most, we have just learnt more terminations – of Bahamians, not the foreign workers – have commenced on that island by the Hutchison Group.
BP reported that a meeting with Port officials and the Department of Labour was held last week. NOT ONE MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT spoke to our report, not did any member of the outgoing government say a word at the scrap gang rally on Sunday past.
Meanwhile back at the ranch where the horses eat hay and the Jungalist with the Bahamian credit card is held, FNMs are gearing up for another rally on New Providence. Sources deep in the FNM tell us the “Scrap Gang” is about to launch its candidates. Some tell us the venue may be Clifford Park, but we believe it may be at a hotel in the west. We shall see.