Senior police jumps down from force following strange developments….Men acting like jungalisses’ and prima donnas in a Nassau Hotel Room?

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is following a dangerous lover’s quarrel that may have led to a top cop resigning from the RBPF.
The entire country stood in shock and awe when the head of a division here in the country abruptly resigned without notice to his command. An immediate investigation left top cops puzzled and confused as to what occurred.
Was it stress from the job that demanded the best and finest to control the vexing crime crisis vexing the nation? Or was it something personal, sexual and scandalous?
Well, BP has been digging since the breaking of this story, and as we dug around the precinct in the South what we know has left us in shock. We interviewed officers and criminals and what we uncovered is shameless to say the least.
Our investigative teams led us to the steps of two other senior cops – one retired now – and both with biblical names. One of the officers often went by the character name “Lady Sasson” in a popular tabloid here in the country, and was handsomely rewarded with major appointments outside the country by former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham.
According to a source deep in the know, one of the officers, now retired, and another who abruptly resigned from the force were having an evening of fun and frolic at a popular hotel on New Providence, when, without notice, the third cop showed up unannounced.
And that’s where the trouble begin!
Sources tell us what then occurred only walls could tell and the disturbance caused hotel operators to push the panic button.
We are told the incident was so shameless and nasty that it forced the hotel to file a complaint following the incident to the Complaints and Corruption Unit.
But before the letter could reach senior lawmen in the country, one of the men in the lover’s triangle abruptly turned in his uniform.
One senior lawman tell us, “What a disgrace! Men who are supposed to hold high standards are in a hotel room acting like ‘jungalisses’ and prima donnas, disrespecting the uniform and the country at large. Could you imagine the scene, BP? Big grown men fighting over each other half naked and breaking up a resort! This is unbelievable!”
The development has left the top brass in shock as they cannot believe what they are reading in this report!
One lawmen told BP, “Mind you, since the that retired officer returned back to Nassau, everyone noticed something wasn’t right. In fact someone said to me, the three of them cannot stay on the same island.”