Was the MP, Neko Grant, Drunk as a skunk in Exuma?

Neko Grant Minister with responsibility for Works and Transport.

Moss Town, Bahamas — Sources in Exuma have advised BP, that the Minister for Public Works and Transport, Neko Grant, spent the night in Exuma and left on Bahamasair’s first flight this morning out of George Town.

Several persons contacted BP and said the minister appeared to be drunk as a skunk and had to be assisted by the island’s administrator.

He had to be assisted onboard the plane and sat in the emergency exit. Some of the passengers on the plane were concern and requested the flight attendent to reseat him. The flight attendent was alleged to have replied, “I need my job.”

If these allegations are true, and we have no reason to question the varacity of our sources, we cry SHAME on the drunken minister.

He has no damn shame!



  1. That is just what you get for hamging around HAI; he is picking up his leaders bad habits as well. We from Exuma are glad that he felt relaxed enough in his “second home” to have a few. he sure as hell cannot go into any bars in Nassau or GB. He won’t be able to enjoy his drink.

  2. Leave Neko”Magoo” alone.He wants to vote against the sale of BTC and PAPA telling him he will vote yes.Magoo has always been FNM and he has a conscience problem and was hoping PAPA had postponed the BTC sale.Magoo have everyone in Nassau calling for his head in light of the road problems and now PAPA telling him he compromised so he better vote yes for BTC.If I was Magoo I would get drunk and hope to get sick to duck the BTC fiasco.This is fun and am wondering how many FNMs will report sick to avoid having to vote.

  3. Neko Grant (my home-boy)i understand what you going through, but i’ll let the readers know.The people have pressure on you because of all the road work that is going on at once, couple that with Papa talkin’ smack, and the people in Grand Bahama are saying ‘you full a SHOT’ .. i guess that will drive any man to have several beverages.
    I think you need a vacation .. and you will get it come the next general election.

  4. If you had to tolerate existing around Hubert Ingraham, almost daily for these last four years,you’ll get drunk, as well, every opportunity you get.

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