Water pipes fail at Betty Kelly Kenning Swim Complex



<<< Charles Maynard Minister of Youths, Sports and Culture.

Nassau, The Bahamas – The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture confirmed today that a structural failure occurred in the heating unit water pipes at the Betty Kelly Kenning National Swim Complex, in the early morning hours of Sunday, February 21, 2010, at approximately 2 a.m. This caused damage to the operational machinery in the basement of the facility.

A preliminary analysis revealed that the piping connected to one of the heating units gave way to water pressure, causing flooding. The water level rose rapidly, making contact with the pipes and engines that drive the computerized systems. This contact apparently caused an explosion that resulted in smoke to emanate from the facility.

The on-duty security officers quickly alerted the Royal Bahamas Police Force fire branch and the police officers arrived speedily and investigated the matter, leaving the property only after they were assured that everything was under control.

Analysis of the entire situation is on going and the relevant Government agencies are working on the matter.

The Ministry is cognizant of the importance of the Betty Kelly Kenning National Swim Complex to the aquatics community and the youth of The Bahamas.

This Ministry also wishes to assure the public that every effort is being made to rectify the situation in the shortest possible time.


  1. They should really try to get things right at this swimming complex, because I feel this was such a kind gesture on behalf of the late Betty Kelly Kenning.

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