WE ARE IN CRISIS!!! BTC explains systems failure




Friday, August 6, 2009. Nassau, Bahamas —During the early hours this morning, BTC suffered significant network failure on its prepaid cellular, SMS Platforms and some landline exchanges.

The Company also experienced major difficulties with its International Roaming Services. As a result, customers throughout the country were unable to use their prepaid cellular phones, make or receive landline phone calls. In addition pre-paid and post-paid cellular services were also affected.

Our systems alerted us immediately on the network failure, and since then all of our technical resources have been entrenched in working to ensure that services are restored as soon as possible.

Since this morning, we have seen some signs of restoration with our landline service and we can confirm that all landline, SMS and international roaming service have been restored as of 2:45pm.

The prepaid network is being restored gradually. Our technical teams are still working to confirm the cause of the outage, will continue trouble shooting efforts to ensure that this outage does not reoccur.

In its history BTC has never experienced such an outage. In the upcoming days the Company will issue a statement outlining the cause of this outage and compensation to our customers.


  1. Monopoly. Plain and simply simple. Maybe BTC would pay more attention to customer service if they had competition. No, Im sure they will.

  2. @krossova: cutting edge technology???
    Are you insane? We have prehistoric DSL from them, with business upload speeds at 128k. For crying out loud while other countries have the real DSL we have some third world equivalent of it. How many times does one have to try calling 911 or 919 and find the service is down, this time it was the entire service … but either way BTC is far from competent.

  3. Bahamians!!!! my people! for as long as the good and professional folks at “Telecomms, Batelco now BTC” has been providing and bringing cutting edge technology in telecommunication services to us in this country, and to read comments coming from Candise and Tones is quite dis heartening.

    while most of us were inconvenienced and downright upset about the literal breakdown in communications yesterday, we know this is not the norm with the folks at BTC, we know apart from the usual disruption with our land lines and oftentimes the lenght of time it take to repair it, these guys, I believe have done a reasonably decent job.

    so while others want to tear you down, I pause to applaud the men and women at BTC for providing the service you have provided to us in these Bahama Islands.

    when we criticize BTC, and compare them with services provided by other telephone company in the region, lets us consider our archipelagic make up. may we also consider the fact that this company is still state owned and some decisions still do require the nod of the government of the day.

    so, I dont know if I’ll be one of those jumping on the first telephone ship coming in the harbour.

    But you know, I born here. I know how we go!

  4. BTC Failure is bever accepted. I am not gonna bash u yet because i realize that this is not a common occurance. But it is a BIG inconvenience…I expect at least a $10 credit on my phone!!!

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