We as a community of people must take back control in this COVID-19 fight!


NASSAU| Bahamas Press has long advised that, in order to get a grip on the pandemic before we lose the country, the community must rise up and take back control. And what do we mean?

For far too long now, we – JOE PUBLIC – have relied on the medical advisors and the political directorate to dictate our lives and resolve issues which affect all of us. THIS MUST CHANGE!

We cannot expect a solution to COVID-19 without there being collective exercises on protocols being handed down from the top. 

We at BP believe the success of fighting the pandemic must begin at the bottom – NOT THE TOP as we so carelessly expect. And here’s what we mean.

For months now citizens have relied on the political directorate and the health professionals to organize a national testing programme to identify areas of community spread across the country. But is this happening? 

For many persons testing is not affordable at this time and definitely not accessible at the ground level where it is most necessary. 

So many churches and community organizations TAKE CONTROL of the pandemic and do it at the community level, something that is obviously being challenged at the government level.

Would you not agree that it is time for all members of Rotary, Kiwanis, Baptists, Anglicans, Seventh Day, the fraternities and lodge organizations to begin working in their small civic groups to begin a mass testing programme for COVID-19 to discover where in their small circles the spread exists? 

We all know the power we have when we take control of a crisis at the ground level and stop waiting for the solution to come from the top. We know they are challenged! We know they are overrun. So why don’t we all take control at our community levels, organize testing centres and get a grip on this crisis once and for all?

If COVID is teaching us anything, it is that we must take back control of our smaller communities and set a path in the right direction for the people who follow the work around the community. 

Come on, people, we can resolve this quicker if we can just think outside the box.

We report yinner decide!