We at BP wonder if the media really reads these IMF Reports as they clearly are in a frenzy over nothing!


Davis Government has been applauded for his fiscal prudence by the IMF in its report…

NASSAU| Well, I see the IMF is suggesting a possible slowdown in the Bahamian economy and the FNMs – in lockstep with the WUTLESS MEDIA – are all over this in a frenzy wishing for the Bahamas to fail. Or, as one would put it, WANT BAHAMIANS TO DIE!

What most reporters have not read are the proposals of the IMF to the Government back when the Davis Government first came to power in 2021.

Yinner forgot how this same IMF did not want the Davis Government to reduce VAT Taxes (from 12% to 10%). In fact, the IMF suggested that to reduce VAT would spell disaster for the Bahamas.

Davis Government proved them wrong and by 2024 outperformed the matrix of the IMF – hitting budget projections, reducing debt, creating greater revenue, creating wide revenue growth while increasing the minimum wage, regularizing scores of Bahamians in the Government service and overall growing the Bahamian economy by leaps and bounds. The Wutless Media ain’t ga tell yinner this though. Good news for Bahamians is bad news for the FNM!

By 2024, in the concluding mission statement of the IMF, here is what they wanted the Davis Government to do: replace business licence fees with a 15% profit tax and introduce a personal income tax while increasing the vat rates overall. Sometimes we believe the IMF works for the FNM. 

When the Bahamas was in the doldrums under the FNM, the IMF advice led to more difficulties for Bahamians. The last FNM increased Vat by 60% and, well, the rest is history. Yinner remember how that played out? Or yinner forget!?

PM Davis knew better than to raise taxes when millions in due revenue went uncollected. PM Davis is by far more experienced about the overall economy of the Bahamas, and has the best advice to advance the country forward. PM Davis shared widely how his government’s fiscal policies have kept Bahamians in a far better economic state than when his Government was first elected to office.

Sometimes we wonder if the WUTLESS Media in the Bahamas reads these IMF reports before they run around pushing and “jooking” micophones in the face of leaders, all to publish a report written before the questions were asked. AHH, WELL!

The WUTLESS MEDIA just keep doing the bidding of the failed FNM!

We report yinner decide!