Bahamas Press is not surprised that Kendal ‘Da Chicken’ Wright could not pull the trigger on the FNM and resign from his seat as an MP following the axing of his Clifton seat.
Ya see, ‘Da Chicken’ [His BP name] turned rooster when the biggest debate in the Parliament emerged. Papa was hell-bent on selling BTC, and all over the place ‘Da Chicken’ was seen to be picking worms off the ground as he was overheard telling people he didn’t agree with the sale.
In fact, at the time he went to great lengths to align himself with Branville to help form a coalition against the sale of the national patrimony.

But being the balls-less, spineless clean-shaved wimp that he is, Wright chickened out, and the next thing we knew, he was batting for the sale of BTC in the Parliament as he moved the bill.
What is sad in all this is the fact Wright’s pedigree. His now deceased father, L. Garth Wright, a founder of the FNM, would hang his head down in shame to see what a Chicken offspring he produced. Da Chicken’s cowardly actions are in no measure a true representation of the Wright family.
However, what is even sadder about this story is this: ‘Da Chicken’ Wright cannot win a seat outside Clifton. His wings have been clipped and soon he will be on papa plate for dinner. Papa doesn’t want him around and come 2012 he ga lose!