A recap of PM Hubert Minnis Address to the nation… WHAT WERE WE DOING ALL THESE MONTHS? BULL……… people?

- We must once again act quickly and forcibly
- Indicators that point to the need for a national lockdown
- Bed capacity and human resources increasingly stressed
- Health officials advices lockdown for various reasons
- Management of surveillance unit will be strengthened
- ICU beds at capacity and other hospital beds approaching capacity
- MOH will provide further details during its update
- National lockdown commencing Tuesday 4-Aug-2020 at 10pm for a MINIMUM of 2 weeks. Towards end will determine if yo extend the lockdown.
- Quarantine measures will be vigorously enforced.
- An assessment will be made of GB whether to extend its lockdown.
- Know lockdown is on short notice but nature of virus means quick action
- 7am – 5pm Mon, Wed & Fri for general public and 7am – 5pm on Sat for essential workers – food stores – water depots – pharmacies for curbside or take away windows only – gas stations for external services only – public encouraged to used delivery services for food stores and pharmacies as much as possible – households asked to have 1 identified shopper for these essential services – all businesses and offices to suspend operations and work remotely EXCEPT commercial banks can open to public until 1pm on Mon, Wed & Fri. Accommodations will be made for international banks and trust companies to have a skeleton team in office on those days – construction will be permitted to continue 7am – 5pm Mon – Fri and 7am – 1pm on Saturday – hardware stores only permitted to provide curbside service from 7am – 5pm Mon, Wed & Fri – private medical facilities can provide emergency medical care and immunization services only Mon, Wed & Fri – home health caretakers certified by MOH can provide services – essential commercial ports permitted – care takers can maintain crops and animals – no curbside or takeaway dining – live streaming from religious facilities can continue with no more than 10 persons at facility to accommodate virtual services
- funeral services allowed at
graveside only with no more than
5 EXCLUDING officiant and
mortuary staff - exercise only in neighborhood
from 6am – 9am - no change in travel policy
- funeral services allowed at