What will be the new rules for Labour Day 2019? Yinner can’t keep people safe around here!

Travis Lamar Sawyer charged in the death of the victims case delayed into 2020????

NASSAU| Four dead, 26 others injured, some for life, and still nothing is known as to what has happened with driver, Travis Lamar Sawyer, of Silver Gates. He, you would recall, was the dancing driver who caused the massacre on the last Labour Day Parade in 2018. He was charged months later but what has been done?

Is he driving around, still without a driver’s license? Has his case even concluded?

Was it dismissed?

Will the Commissioner of Police enforce new rules for the Labour Day Parade scheduled for next week Friday?

What new measures for security in managing the 2019 parade will be enforced? We just don’t know, hey?

Yet, we gat steady focus Accountable Leadership around here? Please…

We report yinner decide!