When I heard the gunshots, all I did was ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’ eyewitness said

Murdered victim Bruce Sands Jr. and his lil princess left without a father as the blood flows in the capital.


Nassau, Bahamas — Members of civil society could not believe what they heard on early Christmas morning as a man was murdered in coldblood on East Bay Street, while joggers made their regular morning exercise near the Montaqu foreshore.

A noted member of the country told BP, “I heard the gunshots, in the distance, on the East Bay Street. It was just before a number of joggers began their workout. The loud thunderous noise was then followed by screams from persons believed to have been inside the vehicle. I could not believe what I was hearing.”

Other eyewitnesses told BP, they saw when a vehicle stopped and pulled up alongside the car of the murdered man. Bruce Talmadge Sands Jr, a 25-year-old technician of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, was murdered Sunday morning as a hail of bullets aimed in his direction killed him instantly. He along with a few friends had just left the annual BLACKOUT EVENT on West Bay Street.

Another early-morning jogger told BP, “All I could do when I heard the gunshots was to quickly exercise the government’s only response to the crime crisis facing the country; ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’ onto the side of the road and wait for the gunman to pass. The gunshots were so loud I knew the victim could not have survived. I was a distance away, and it felt as if I was shot somewhere about the body.”

Police has no suspects in custody into this latest Christmas Massacre on the streets of the capital. Blood flows once again in the streets of the New Providence like a heavy downpour as the year comes to a close with the highest murder rate ever in the country’s history.



  1. RIP Bruce we love you soooo much. While I dont support vigilant violence, I can understand the hurt and the anger. So SMH while it is easy to just put it all on ignorance maybe its not. Maybe the comments come from a place of hurt, anger and pain. It may be difficult to empathize if you have never experienced a loved one being hunted down and killed like an insect. Bruce wasnt killed in a fist fight, during an actual altercation or a gun fight, nor was he a murderer, rapist, gang banger, child molester etc. So while none of us on this earth is “innocent”,given the situation, he was the innnocent party. If you knew Bruce you would know that a picture sometimes says a thousand words, he was a loving father, family member and friend. His death was not reflective of the way he lived. While this sounds cliche for murder victims’ family members to say, everyone who knew Bruce or came into contact with him knew this to be true. It is not a crime to defend one’s self. I pray the culprits seeks God’s mercy and forgiveness…The wages of sin is death! We love you Bruce!

  2. Crime is everybody business, because the government is you and I. Dumb stupid people causing all the crimes in Nassau. Young ladies have to stop this man for clothing this man for rent and this man for sex and money. STOP TAKING MEN MONEY becaue they think they owned you, they so dumb and stupid. MARRIED MEN STAY with your wife and children. MEM stop giving these no good girls a ride in your cars

  3. RIP Bruce…To SMH and everyone else- while I do not agree with vigilante justice I can understand why there is anger and agression when someone’s life is taken like an insect without a second thought. Especially when you love that person and knew their character. I also know that sometimes it is difficult to empathize when you have not lost someone in the manner that we lost Bruce. It is easy to say that another words in anger is ignorant, but maybe its much deeper than that, maybe its hurt or pain. SMH, you said he may not have been “Innocent”. None of us are, no person in this world is totally innocent. Regardless of whether it was an altercation or whatever no one has the right to follow someone and rob them of their God given life. His life was not taken in a fist fight or in self defense.So as far as I am concerned he was innocent. He was not a murderer, a child molester a drug dealer or a rapist. It is not just the fact that we see a photo of him with his kid. For those of us who knew Bruce and loved him we know that the way he died was not reflective of the way he lived. I know it sounds cliche of everyone who talks about a murder victim, but his family, friends and the people he came in contact with knows this to be true. As you see him the picture, so was Bruce. So to everyone thanks for your sympathy, concerns and comments. A life is soo precious, no apology or revenge killing can bring another one back. Many young men have no value of human life. The solution is LOVE and GOD is LOVE. WE LOVE YOU BRUCE!

  4. R.I.P BJ …. You were a great cousin and we all miss you. Whoever that was who killed you also killed a part of us …. we love you…

  5. Only thing I have to say to Government. “CAPITAL PUNISHMENT”. Not as something to slow down crime, but as punishment to the crime. Too many people losing their lives for stupidity. If you feel you have to take a life b\rest assured that once you are found out, your life will be taken as well.

  6. Wow..all of you all above sound very ignorant. Especially ‘Disgusted Citizen’. Do you realize that the police cvan not predict when a murder is about to happen. What is even more dumb is that you agree that Bossla should kill in revenge. When it could have been revenge that spark the violence in the first place. Your condoning the perpetual cycle of violence when you want it to end. And how do we know that the man is ‘innocent’? Because there is picture posted with him innocently having a moment with his daughter..WAAAAKEEE UUUUP! BTW, they do fight in Aura as well, that’s why they have security present.

    • SMH, yes i do agree that what i said was crazy (not making excuses), i hust feel sickened by it, Bruce was a kind, quiet, respectable young man. He didnt deserve this, now his daughter has no father, why?? because somebody decided to play GOD. I just feel like t his country is out of control, in no way do i agree with Vigilante Justice as i stated before but when your angr and fed up with some senseless murders, and we as citizens cant go outside and enjoy the simple pleasures of life without fear of crime, it sickens me! I agree with you i just think something needs to be done now to control this epidemic (crime) that is ruining our country.

  7. I am sooo sick and tired of these dirty people taking the innocent lives of citizens, seeing that the government who is supposed to protect the citizens isnt doing an “EFFECTIVE” job i think that vigilante justice should begin KILL them all have no mercy!! If they soo “BAD” and could take the life of a HUMAN BEING why should they be spared to have the opportubity to breathe another day??! The community needs to get together and take matters into our own hands, since the Police isnt doing it. So disgusted, RIP Bruce

  8. This is some real BS…. Let me find out who kill my big cousin and i coming bak to kill they entire family… bettaz believe that…
    They left a 2 year ole child fatherless and a wife husbandless over petty thing… betters believe this ain over.. they just started war..

    • I agree kill them all these stupid, ignorant assholes need to die! No Mercy Vigilante Justice needs to begin because the government aint doin shit! Thats what i say an eye for an eye!

  9. That is why the only club I go to nowadays are Aura or to private parties, can’t go to the rest of Nassau clubs because we have too many stupid young men (and some women too) who only know violence as the only way to resolve a situation and the situation could be something as petty as another dude looked at his girl too long, who by the way probably was wearing a very revealing outfit, many of these niggas are already high to begin with so if another dude look at his girl too long and hell if he’s crazy enough just to tell her hi, he reaching for his knife or going to meet you in the parking lot with his beretta. Many of the young men are insecure knowing that they probably are lousy and if their girl met a better man, she’d leave him in a second, all of that mix in with the fact that as I said many of them come to the club already high and are just violent by nature, they think violence is cool. I enjoy the nightlife but am aware we are in a society with a lot of uncivilized stupid, violent, doped up, young men, thus many times I just keep my money to myself and chill at home with some friends, just another way how crime is having a dire effect on the economy. But it’s not just the young fellas, some of the girls is be encouraging their boyfriends and niggas to do crap, most likely the dude who killd this young man was doing it to impress some girl, well i hope they catch his azz and he spends the rest of his breathing life in jail being another man’s beatch, that should also impress his girl. Someobody has to know what went down if it started at blackout, somebody had to have seen who he was having trouble with, shouldn’t be hard to track down these scum and give them what they deserve. Police do your work get these stupid muttafuckas off the street NOW!!!

  10. That is why the only club I go to nowadays are Aura or to private parties, can’t go to the rest of Nassau clubs because we have too many stupid young men (and some women too) who only know violence as the only way to resolve a situation and the situation could be something as petty as another dude looked at his girl too long, who by the way probably was wearing a very revealing outfit, many of these niggas are already high to begin with so if another dude look at his girl too long and hell if he’s crazy enough just to tell her hi, he reaching for his knife or going to meet you in the parking lot with his beretta. Many of the young men are insecure knowing that they probably are lousy and if their girl met a better man, she’d leave him in a second, all of that mix in with the fact that as I said many of them come to the club already high and are just violent by nature, they think violence is cool. I enjoy the nightlife but am aware we are in a society with a lot of uncivilized stupid, violent, doped up, young men, thus many times I just keep my money to myself and chill at home with some friends, just another way how crime is having a dire effect on the economy. But it’s not just the young fellas, some of the girls is be encouraging their boyfriends and niggas to do crap, most likely the dude who killd this young man was doing it to impress some girl, well i hope they catch his azz and he spends the rest of his breathing life in jail being another man’s beatch, that should also impress his girl. Someobody has to know what went down if it started at blackout, somebody had to have seen who he was having trouble with, shouldn’t be hard to track down these scum and give them what they deserve. Police do your work get these stupid muttafuckas off the street NOW!!!

  11. I have deliberately shunned away from attacking the Minister of Insecurity as I felt he would get the message and allow the many experts in his Ministry to have an imput.I have one last question for the Minister of Insecurity?Since you seem to enjoy trying to make policy for the Police,”What is your strategy for combatting CRIME?And by the way stop answering Attorney Bell as he will continue to eat you alive for the amateur you are.When you start campaigning if Papa allows you to run again,expect these questions to asked of you.

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