When Ingraham, Branville and the Tribune say it is not true, then BELIEVE IT WITH YOUR LIFE!


Nassau, Bahamas — Yesterday in the editorial of the morning daily, the Tribune, they went to great lengths to defend the breaking news that the DNA-FNM had formed a backdoor coalition leading into the general elections.

The news was first broken by talk show host Steve McKinney on national radio this week.

McKinney said how a guest on his show first hinted at the coalition and then he did his own investigations. McKinney noted what he discovered  to be true and therefore he decided to not roll anymore with the DNA.

Now get this: Branville, to distance himself from his pathological nature, came out denying the claims and then suggested that Steve was mad because he was “rejected” as a candidate for Fort Charlotte in the DNA Party. In yesterday’s editorial the Tribune repeated the comments by Branville in concluding a defense for the imploding DNA leader.

But get this:  the following day after his dropping his bombshell on radio, Steve McKinney produced a letter dated June 14th, 2011 signed by McCartney himself, ratifying Steve as the standard bearer for the DNA in Fort Charlotte. In its editorial on Thursday, the Tribune made no mention of this letter that had been published on Bahamas Press [ https://www.bahamaspress.com/2011/12/20/mckinney-prove-mccartney-to-be-a-pathological-liar/ ]

But what was worse in the paper’s commentary was their VICKED attack on citizen journalists across the country. The paper communicated the idea that you cannot believe what people tell you. They hold the archaic belief that if such persons say something to the media it must be checked and rechecked. This is fair, but the Tribune should first ask itself, who were the citizen journalists who gave them the report that two FNM MPs will resign from the party on December 8th? That report has yet to prove true.

The editorial went further to attack a PLP citizen exercise:  its freshly launched I-Report Bahamas [http://www.facebook.com/l/sAQFTmyg8AQFc57EEdUOIvTNOy2zPKhq3ca5HhfZTRFx8OA/www.reportbahamas.com], which allows residents around the country to tell their stories directly to all Bahamians. The idea is a noble one and no matter how juvenile its beginnings may be, the more voices that exist in the country, the better we all are in the Bahamas.

The Tribune should know there are more writers in the country than Abner Pinder and Ivoine Ingraham who appear to be the only persons who can get a letter in that DUTTY NEWSPAPER! We know they are only pen names, as Pinder could barely spell the word cigarette – and he is a chain smoker.

What we find strange though is this: we wonder where in the devil does Tribune gets tips from? Perhaps every story we read in the papers comes from the Cabinet Room. Perhaps Hubert Ingraham writes the editorial. No one ever knows.

It is possible the people who wrote an editorial suggesting that the internet should be banned in the Bahamas are feeling the loss of readers who are now focused on the internet for news and information. For while the Tribune makes no mention of the letter of the candidate ratification of Steve McKinney, thousands of readers online could read the letter in its entirety signed by Branville McCartney, the man the Tribune is defending. THEY HAVE NO DAMN SHAME!

Hubert Ingraham, Branville McCartney and The Tribune are mendacious storytellers. The Truth is NOT IN DEM! McCartney cannot deny that his party gave Steve McKinney a ratification letter. HE CANNOT DENY IT! And we believe he has sold the DNA in a backdoor deal with the FNM.

We report, YINNER Decide!


  1. The development of our country has been ongoing for centuries, no one party or leader is unilaterally responsible for its current success thus far, but collectively with the right timing, has contributed to its development. Like a well maintained raced car, we as a nation continues to shift gears through a collection of individuals whom we call true patriots.

    Our development began centuries ago, however Bahamians conveniently hold only the memories that lead to Majority Rule in 1967. This belief that we were now the makers of our own future was marketed aggressively to our consciousness by the Progressive Liberal Party. Hence, no other party was capable of leading this country for the next twenty-five years. In 1992 Mr. Ingraham carrying the banner of the Free National Movement with a Powerful platform of accountability succeeded in changing the beliefs of many, bringing about change for all who welcome it.

    This is not a history lesson, but a reminder that as our country continues to evolve,
    so does our need for new and innovative leaders. We should consider all persons who present themselves as potential leaders, and gave value to their vision for the continued development of our country, as such, it is counter productive to attack ones vision, especially when you did not take the time to examine their character.

    Lets be responsible individuals, by giving every opportunity to those that deserve it, I believe Mr. McCartney deserves to be considered, I do not believe, as some have indicated prematurely, that he is disingenuous.

    Exercise integrity when commenting as to ones character, this would be the proper way to show respect.

  2. Thank you B P . Ireally did not know I was that important in your eyesight. A friend told me about your article and I am amazed. I told you before ” JEALOUSY ” is a killer it eats your soul out. I do not want anything to happen to you now because we the PUBLIC will have no AMUSEMENT over the next 4 months and you know good and well it is sites like yours that help us every day because your LYING &CONNIVING against us are a big help to shore up our support

    • That’s good to know when you ain’t reading BP, ya friend reading it for ya! GOOD TO KNOW!


  3. from what i see that letter could be fake…the signature is typed in a font from the computer!!!! n the DNA logo at the top could have been copied from somewhere. i agree with Sally, this sounds like “a bitter high school rivalry”

    • If the letter is a FAKE, what you think would happen if Steve produced a letter from another DNA candidate with the same signature, what then you ga say JANE?

      Thought we should just ask that question.


  4. I have a couple more questions for Branville;(1)You, Branville, claimed that your DNA will not endorse the re-cycling of old tired candidates; well what would you call Rodney Moncur? Did you lie or did you forget that Rodney has been a candidate in about three or four general elections? (2)You, Branville, denied Eddison Key’s claim that you begged him for some of BAIC’s legal work while a cabinet minister, when Key produced letters purportedly signed by you to allegedly show that you lied we didn’t hear any more of your denials; did you forget you signed those letters or did you deliberately lie? (3)You, Branville McCartney, denied Steve McKinney’s claim that you and Ingraham has come to a backdoor deal on seven of your candidate and to hell with the rest; you said that Steve was only angry and conjured-up that lie on you because your party denied his application for the DNA’s nomination for Ft. Charlotte; Steve subsequently produced a letter from you dated 14th June which approved his candidacy for the constituency and signed by you; he subsequently produced another letter where he was asking for financial support which was denied; did you forget that you signed that letter after your vetting process or did you lie? And now I come to the discovery of the backdoor deal between the DNA and the FNM; you denied that as well; I ask you have you forgotten about your arrangements with the FNM or are you lying about that as well? For my part the pattern is clear; I am convinced that you are a PATHOLOGICAL Liar as Steve and BP said you are.

  5. I have a couple more questions for Branville;(1)You, Branville, claimed that your DNA will not endorse the re-cycling of old tired candidates; well what would you call Rodney Moncur? Did you lie or did you forget that Rodney has been a candidate in about three or four general elections? (2)You, Branville, denied Eddison Key’s claim that you begged him for some of BAIC’s legal work while a cabinet minister, when Key produced letters purportedly signed by you to allegedly show that you lied we didn’t hear any more of your denials; did you forget you signed those letters or did you deliberately lie? (3)You, Branville McCartney, denied Steve McKinney’s claim that you and Ingraham has come to a backdoor deal on seven of your candidate and to hell with the rest; you said that Steve was only angry and conjured-up that lie on you because your party denied his application for the DNA’s nomination for Ft. Charlotte; Steve subsequently produced a letter from you dated 14th June which approved his candidacy for the constituency and signed by you; he subsequently produced another letter where he was asking for financial support which was denied; did you forget that you signed that letter after your vetting process or did you lie? And now I come to the discovery of the backdoor deal between the DNA and the FNM; you denied that as well; I ask you have you forgotten about your arrangements with the FNM or are you lying about that as well? For my part the pattern is clear; I am convinced that you are a PATHOLOGICAL Liar as Steve and BP said you are.

  6. Is this what you call reporting? How about reporting facts in an objective, non-biased manner? This just sounds like a bitter high school rivalry. In my opinion, your reporting is just as “credible” as you claim The Tribune’s reporting to be. Can anyone direct me to some real journalists please?

  7. BP in the game of boxing I certainly would give Steve McKinney the first and seconds. So far Branville is losing the honesty game. There is no question that Steve has found out that the deal was in the making. No one would just conjure up this allegation. The only retort that Branville could throw back is that Steve was angry because the DNA refused his application for a candidacy in Ft. Charlotte but Steve could easily prove him a LIAR with the release of the acceptence letter that Bran signed himself; my questions are; didn’t Bran remember that he signed the letter approving Steve’s application? Or did he think that Steve would not expose the truth? If Bran didn’t remember that the letter existed then that should tell all of us what kind of unfocused “Being” this human being is; certainly unfit to lead this country or his law firm for that matter. Lying seems to be a daily pattern for him; remember Eddison Key’s “EXPOSE” of him in his role in the BAIC thing the other day in the HOA? He seemed to have boldly lied then as well. Key brought out the letters signed by Bran himself as well. Oh Yes we have a pathological liar on our hands indeed.

  8. BP..BP… what are we gonna do with you…admit it,everyone knows both you and Steve McKinney have “zero” credibility. The proof, the proof…McKinney got everyone’s attention by claiming the Mr. McCartney was in some sort of secret talks with the FNM…but the only thing he has done so far is run on ’bout some letter of him being ratified as a candidate for DNA. Steve, ya straying away from the main topic..bring forth the proof of a possible FNM/DNA coalition (lol)


  9. the dna thouh a new comer to the political race 2012 season,seem out of touch with reality.in reality the bahamas does not need another political party.all we are getting with the dna is one more rat who will use any charm to take possesion of the cheese up for grabs.what we need in the bahamas is a new political structure that do away with party representatives all together.and at the same time build on the accoumplishments of the forty years since indipendence.mcartney is playing to the fears of zenaphobiac bahamians who blame all their trobles one forigeners.the plp is the master of that trick.

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